North Texas Municipal Water District Update The City of Garland’s representatives to the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), Don Gordon and Jack May, will brief Council on current drought conditions and recent actions taken by the NTMWD board.
Drought Contingency Plan Restrictions Council has indicated a desire to discuss certain restrictions contained within the City’s current Drought Contingency Plan. A summary of the City’s current restrictions for each stage of the plan and the differences with the “model” plan distributed by the North Texas Municipal Water District will be reviewed.
Proposed 2012 Capital Improvement Program Council will have an opportunity to deliberate changes, if any, to the City Manager’s proposed Capital Improvement Program. At the January 17, 2012 Work Session, staff provided an overview of the 2012 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) which was formally presented by the City Manager at the January 17 Regular Meeting. A Budget Session to review the proposed CIP was also held on January 24.
North Texas Municipal Water District Update The City of Garland’s representatives to the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), Don Gordon and Jack May, will brief Council on current drought conditions and recent actions taken by the NTMWD board.
Drought Contingency Plan Restrictions Council has indicated a desire to discuss certain restrictions contained within the City’s current Drought Contingency Plan. A summary of the City’s current restrictions for each stage of the plan and the differences with the “model” plan distributed by the North Texas Municipal Water District will be reviewed.
Proposed 2012 Capital Improvement Program Council will have an opportunity to deliberate changes, if any, to the City Manager’s proposed Capital Improvement Program. At the January 17, 2012 Work Session, staff provided an overview of the 2012 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) which was formally presented by the City Manager at the January 17 Regular Meeting. A Budget Session to review the proposed CIP was also held on January 24.