Written Briefings: a. Metropolitan Medical Response System Grant Program b. Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program
Verbal Briefing: a. Healthy Living Expo
3. Consider the Consent Agenda 4. Announce Future Agenda Items 5. Adjourn
The prayer and pledge are said.
Presentations and Proclamations
Presentations are given to special guests and proclamations are read.
1. Consider approval of the minutes of the November 16, 2010 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Towing Service and Impound Storage Facility Management b. Underground Cable Replacement, 4 Loops c. Downtown Redevelopment Relief Bid Sanitary Sewer Line d. Charles M. Hinton, Jr., Landfill Bid Gas System Expansion 3. Public hearings were previously conducted for the following zoning cases. Council approved the requests and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinances for consideration. a. Zoning File 10-28, Colby J. Smith b. Zoning File No. 10-30, Ocean Star Metals, Inc. 4. Consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an engineering services agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. 5. Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an easement agreement with Dallas MTA, L.P. dba Verizon Wireless. 6. Consider by minute action authorizing the acceptance of the Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program Award totaling $165,000. 7. Consider by minute action authorizing the acceptance of the Metropolitan Medical Response System Grant Program Award totaling $317,419.
Written Briefings: a. Metropolitan Medical Response System Grant Program b. Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program
Verbal Briefing: a. Healthy Living Expo
3. Consider the Consent Agenda 4. Announce Future Agenda Items 5. Adjourn
The prayer and pledge are said.
Presentations and Proclamations
Presentations are given to special guests and proclamations are read.
1. Consider approval of the minutes of the November 16, 2010 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Towing Service and Impound Storage Facility Management b. Underground Cable Replacement, 4 Loops c. Downtown Redevelopment Relief Bid Sanitary Sewer Line d. Charles M. Hinton, Jr., Landfill Bid Gas System Expansion 3. Public hearings were previously conducted for the following zoning cases. Council approved the requests and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinances for consideration. a. Zoning File 10-28, Colby J. Smith b. Zoning File No. 10-30, Ocean Star Metals, Inc. 4. Consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an engineering services agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. 5. Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an easement agreement with Dallas MTA, L.P. dba Verizon Wireless. 6. Consider by minute action authorizing the acceptance of the Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program Award totaling $165,000. 7. Consider by minute action authorizing the acceptance of the Metropolitan Medical Response System Grant Program Award totaling $317,419.