(1.) Consider approval of the minutes of the April 1, 2008 Regular Meeting. (2a.) Heavy Duty Trucks Bid No. 135-08. (2b.) Underground Vault Rescue Trailers Bid No. 146-08. (2c.) Harbor Point Water Improvements Bid No. 6708. (2d.) Cargo and Passenger Vans Bid No. 212-08. (2e.) Electric Meters Bid No. 221-08. (2f.) Outstanding Warrant Collection Service Bid No. 143-08. (2g.) Backhoes Bid No. 139-08. (3.) Zoning File 08-21, Rolando and Erica Salazar. (4.) Resolution approving and authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue Certificate of Obligation and resolving other matters incident and related thereto. (5.) Ordinance amending Chapter 26, "Police – Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland. (6.) Ordinance amending Chapter 26, "Police – Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland. (7.) Resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an application to the North Central Texas Council of Governments for a 421 State Planning Fund Grant. (8.) Consider by minute action amendments to City Council Policy OPNS-05 - Council Travel.
Item 9: Hold a public hearing and consider approval of the waiver of roadway impact fees by minute action.
Texas Enterprise Zone Program - Sherwin-Williams
Item 10: Hold a public hearing and approve an ordinance ordaining the City of Garland’s participation in the Texas Enterprise Zone Program pursuant to the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, Chapter 2302, Texas Government Code, providing tax incentives, designating a liaison for communication with interested parties, nominating Sherwin-Williams to the Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank as an Enterprise Project.
Texas Enterprise Zone Program - MAPEI
Item 11: Hold a public hearing and approve an ordinance ordaining the City of Garland’s participation in the Texas Enterprise Zone Program pursuant to the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, Chapter 2302, Texas Government Code, providing tax incentives, designating a liaison for communication with interested parties, nominating MAPEI Corporation to the Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank as an Enterprise Project.
Zoning Public Hearing - Z-08-11 Jabez Construction
Consider the application of Jabez Construction, requesting approval of 1) a change of zoning from Planned Development (PD) District 03-63 for Duplex Uses to a Planned Development (PD) District for Townhouse and Duplex Uses, 2) a Concept Plan, 3) a variance to Section 15A-200 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding lot depth requirements, and 4) a variance to Section 15A-1300 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding common areas. The property is located west of E. Centerville Road and north of Miller Road.
Zoning Hearing - Z-08-22 Alliance Realty Partners
Consider the application of Alliance Realty Partners, requesting approval of 1) a change of zoning from Planned Development (PD) District 01-18 for Freeway Uses to a Planned Development (PD) District for Multi-Family-18 Uses, and 2) a Concept Plan for Multi-Family Uses with conditions. The property is located north of Lookout Drive at Campbell Drive.
Zoning Public Hearing - Z-08-23 Nortex Watersports
Consider the application of Nortex Watersports, requesting approval of 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 97-11 for Freeway Uses to permit Vehicle Sales, Leasing, Service and Repair (other than auto or motorcycle) as a secondary use to the primary retail sales business, and 2) a revised Detail Plan with conditions. The property is located at 716 East Interstate 30.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions
Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications.
(1.) Consider approval of the minutes of the April 1, 2008 Regular Meeting. (2a.) Heavy Duty Trucks Bid No. 135-08. (2b.) Underground Vault Rescue Trailers Bid No. 146-08. (2c.) Harbor Point Water Improvements Bid No. 6708. (2d.) Cargo and Passenger Vans Bid No. 212-08. (2e.) Electric Meters Bid No. 221-08. (2f.) Outstanding Warrant Collection Service Bid No. 143-08. (2g.) Backhoes Bid No. 139-08. (3.) Zoning File 08-21, Rolando and Erica Salazar. (4.) Resolution approving and authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue Certificate of Obligation and resolving other matters incident and related thereto. (5.) Ordinance amending Chapter 26, "Police – Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland. (6.) Ordinance amending Chapter 26, "Police – Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland. (7.) Resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an application to the North Central Texas Council of Governments for a 421 State Planning Fund Grant. (8.) Consider by minute action amendments to City Council Policy OPNS-05 - Council Travel.
Item 9: Hold a public hearing and consider approval of the waiver of roadway impact fees by minute action.
Texas Enterprise Zone Program - Sherwin-Williams
Item 10: Hold a public hearing and approve an ordinance ordaining the City of Garland’s participation in the Texas Enterprise Zone Program pursuant to the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, Chapter 2302, Texas Government Code, providing tax incentives, designating a liaison for communication with interested parties, nominating Sherwin-Williams to the Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank as an Enterprise Project.
Texas Enterprise Zone Program - MAPEI
Item 11: Hold a public hearing and approve an ordinance ordaining the City of Garland’s participation in the Texas Enterprise Zone Program pursuant to the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, Chapter 2302, Texas Government Code, providing tax incentives, designating a liaison for communication with interested parties, nominating MAPEI Corporation to the Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank as an Enterprise Project.
Zoning Public Hearing - Z-08-11 Jabez Construction
Consider the application of Jabez Construction, requesting approval of 1) a change of zoning from Planned Development (PD) District 03-63 for Duplex Uses to a Planned Development (PD) District for Townhouse and Duplex Uses, 2) a Concept Plan, 3) a variance to Section 15A-200 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding lot depth requirements, and 4) a variance to Section 15A-1300 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding common areas. The property is located west of E. Centerville Road and north of Miller Road.
Zoning Hearing - Z-08-22 Alliance Realty Partners
Consider the application of Alliance Realty Partners, requesting approval of 1) a change of zoning from Planned Development (PD) District 01-18 for Freeway Uses to a Planned Development (PD) District for Multi-Family-18 Uses, and 2) a Concept Plan for Multi-Family Uses with conditions. The property is located north of Lookout Drive at Campbell Drive.
Zoning Public Hearing - Z-08-23 Nortex Watersports
Consider the application of Nortex Watersports, requesting approval of 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 97-11 for Freeway Uses to permit Vehicle Sales, Leasing, Service and Repair (other than auto or motorcycle) as a secondary use to the primary retail sales business, and 2) a revised Detail Plan with conditions. The property is located at 716 East Interstate 30.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions
Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications.