Prayer, Pledge, Presentation and Proclamation
Invocation, Pledge, Presentations and Proclamations.
(1.) Approval the minutes of the August 21, 2007 Regular Meeting. (2.) Consider a resolution awarding bids. (3a.) Zoning File No. 07-17, Standard Pacific Homes. (3b.) Zoning File No. 07-39, IHOP. (3c.) Zoning File No. 07-40, JCL Development LTD. (4.) Resolution abandoning, releasing, and quitclaiming certain utility easements. (5.) Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a deed without warranty, accepting in exchange therefore a tract of land. (6.) An ordinance denying the request of Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division, for an annual Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program (GRIP) rate increase. (7.) Consider approval by minute action the waiver of sewer pro rata, water impact, road impact, and other fees totaling $257,416.88 to Firewheel Distribution Center, L.P. (8.) An ordinance authorizing the issuance of "City of Garland Tax Notes, Series 2007" specifying the terms and features of said notes. (9.) Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an earnest money contract and related documents with Warner Pacific Properties, L.L.C. (10.) Ordinance amending the tax roll of the City of Garland. (11.) Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for the sale of City-owned property.
Public hearing on the Proposed 2007-08 Budget
Item 12 - Section 5, Article VII, of the City Charter requires that a public hearing be held on the Proposed Budget for the coming fiscal year. At the public hearing, all interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard for or against any proposed item in the Budget, including the proposed tax rate. The Proposed Budget for 2007-08 has been available for public inspection in the City libraries, City Secretary?s Office, and on the City?s website since August 8, 2007.
Adopt operating budget for fiscal year 2007-08
Item 13 - Consider an ordinance adopting the operating budget for fiscal year 2007-08, providing budgetary appropriations for the various funds of the City, amending the current budget as revised, authorizing the City Manager to make adjustments; and establishing an effective date for such actions.
Item 14 - Consider an ordinance fixing the tax rate and tax levy for the City of Garland for the fiscal year 2007-08 upon all taxable property in the City of Garland in conformity with the laws of the State of Texas and the charter provisions and ordinances of the City of Garland; repealing all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict therewith.
Item 15 - Consider an ordinance amending various sections of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland relating to fees for various services provided by the City.
Establish civil service classifications
Item 16 - Consider an ordinance establishing civil service classifications within the Police and Fire Departments; prescribing the number of positions in each classification; prescribing the base salary and types of pay for those classifications.
Zoning - Z-07-32 Sunny Hospitality, LLC
Item 17a - Consider the application of Sunny Hospitality, LLC, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for a Limited Service Hotel/Motel on property zoned Freeway (FW) District. The property is located in the 300 block of Interstate 30 and west of Roan Road.
Zoning - Z-07-41 Margie Castro
Item 17b - Consider the application of Margie Castro, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for Reception Facility on property zoned Shopping Center (SC) District. The property is located at 219 West Kingsley Road.
Zoning - Z-07-42 Charlie Shearer
Item 17c - Consider the application of Charlie Shearer, requesting approval of a change of zoning from Single-Family-7 (SF7/F/3) District to Office-1 (O-1) District. The property is located at 1706, 1710, and 1714 Pleasant Valley Road.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions
Item 18 - Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications.
Item 19: Citizen comments, and Item 20: Adjourn.
Council is requested to consider accepting a Texas Department of Transportation ? Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Comprehensive Grant consisting of four enforcement modules: (1) Speed Enforcement, (2) Occupant Protection Enforcement (Safety Restraint), (3) DWI Enforcement, and (4) Intersection Traffic Control Enforcement (Red Light). If Council concurs, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 18, 2007 Regular Meeting.
Garland?s Storm Water permit issued by the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ) required that Garland provide a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Management Program. For the previous ten years, the City has contracted with Dallas County to participate in a countywide collection and disposal network. The current contract expires September 30, 2007. Council is requested to consider renewing the agreement with Dallas County to participate in the Dallas Area HHW Network. If Council concurs, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 18, 2007 Regular Meeting.
Written Briefings: Item 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g
c. Confirmation of City Health Officer d. Annual Contract for the Northeast Texas Library System e. Technical Assistance Negotiated Grant (TANG) 2008 f. Ordinance to Deny Atmos? GRIP Rate Increase g. Easement Abandonment ? Jupiter Chevrolet GEO Addition, Lot 1R, Block 1
At the April 3, 2007 Regular Meeting, Council approved the waiver of sewer pro rata, water impact, road impact, and other fees totaling $257,416.88 to the Panattoni Development Company, LLC for the development of the Firewheel Distribution Center containing 218,812 sq. ft. of a new office and distribution facility valued at $19,000,000. Courtland Development has split from Panattoni Development and with the split has taken the Firewheel Distribution Center project. Council is requested to consider transferring the waiver of fees approved for Panattoni Development Company to Courtland Development?s limited partnership, Firewheel Distribution Center, L.P. This item is scheduled for formal consideration at the September 4, 2007 Regular Meeting.
If required, Council and staff will continue discussions regarding the 2007-08 Proposed Budget.
4. Discuss Committee Reports/Assignments - Council
5. Discuss Appointments to Boards and Commissions - Council
Consent Agenda and Future Items For Discussion
6. Discuss Consent Agenda - Council 7. Discuss Future Agenda Items - Council
Prayer, Pledge, Presentation and Proclamation
Invocation, Pledge, Presentations and Proclamations.
(1.) Approval the minutes of the August 21, 2007 Regular Meeting. (2.) Consider a resolution awarding bids. (3a.) Zoning File No. 07-17, Standard Pacific Homes. (3b.) Zoning File No. 07-39, IHOP. (3c.) Zoning File No. 07-40, JCL Development LTD. (4.) Resolution abandoning, releasing, and quitclaiming certain utility easements. (5.) Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a deed without warranty, accepting in exchange therefore a tract of land. (6.) An ordinance denying the request of Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division, for an annual Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program (GRIP) rate increase. (7.) Consider approval by minute action the waiver of sewer pro rata, water impact, road impact, and other fees totaling $257,416.88 to Firewheel Distribution Center, L.P. (8.) An ordinance authorizing the issuance of "City of Garland Tax Notes, Series 2007" specifying the terms and features of said notes. (9.) Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an earnest money contract and related documents with Warner Pacific Properties, L.L.C. (10.) Ordinance amending the tax roll of the City of Garland. (11.) Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for the sale of City-owned property.
Public hearing on the Proposed 2007-08 Budget
Item 12 - Section 5, Article VII, of the City Charter requires that a public hearing be held on the Proposed Budget for the coming fiscal year. At the public hearing, all interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard for or against any proposed item in the Budget, including the proposed tax rate. The Proposed Budget for 2007-08 has been available for public inspection in the City libraries, City Secretary?s Office, and on the City?s website since August 8, 2007.
Adopt operating budget for fiscal year 2007-08
Item 13 - Consider an ordinance adopting the operating budget for fiscal year 2007-08, providing budgetary appropriations for the various funds of the City, amending the current budget as revised, authorizing the City Manager to make adjustments; and establishing an effective date for such actions.
Item 14 - Consider an ordinance fixing the tax rate and tax levy for the City of Garland for the fiscal year 2007-08 upon all taxable property in the City of Garland in conformity with the laws of the State of Texas and the charter provisions and ordinances of the City of Garland; repealing all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict therewith.
Item 15 - Consider an ordinance amending various sections of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland relating to fees for various services provided by the City.
Establish civil service classifications
Item 16 - Consider an ordinance establishing civil service classifications within the Police and Fire Departments; prescribing the number of positions in each classification; prescribing the base salary and types of pay for those classifications.
Zoning - Z-07-32 Sunny Hospitality, LLC
Item 17a - Consider the application of Sunny Hospitality, LLC, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for a Limited Service Hotel/Motel on property zoned Freeway (FW) District. The property is located in the 300 block of Interstate 30 and west of Roan Road.
Zoning - Z-07-41 Margie Castro
Item 17b - Consider the application of Margie Castro, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for Reception Facility on property zoned Shopping Center (SC) District. The property is located at 219 West Kingsley Road.
Zoning - Z-07-42 Charlie Shearer
Item 17c - Consider the application of Charlie Shearer, requesting approval of a change of zoning from Single-Family-7 (SF7/F/3) District to Office-1 (O-1) District. The property is located at 1706, 1710, and 1714 Pleasant Valley Road.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions
Item 18 - Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications.
Item 19: Citizen comments, and Item 20: Adjourn.
Council is requested to consider accepting a Texas Department of Transportation ? Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Comprehensive Grant consisting of four enforcement modules: (1) Speed Enforcement, (2) Occupant Protection Enforcement (Safety Restraint), (3) DWI Enforcement, and (4) Intersection Traffic Control Enforcement (Red Light). If Council concurs, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 18, 2007 Regular Meeting.
Garland?s Storm Water permit issued by the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ) required that Garland provide a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Management Program. For the previous ten years, the City has contracted with Dallas County to participate in a countywide collection and disposal network. The current contract expires September 30, 2007. Council is requested to consider renewing the agreement with Dallas County to participate in the Dallas Area HHW Network. If Council concurs, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 18, 2007 Regular Meeting.
Written Briefings: Item 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g
c. Confirmation of City Health Officer d. Annual Contract for the Northeast Texas Library System e. Technical Assistance Negotiated Grant (TANG) 2008 f. Ordinance to Deny Atmos? GRIP Rate Increase g. Easement Abandonment ? Jupiter Chevrolet GEO Addition, Lot 1R, Block 1
At the April 3, 2007 Regular Meeting, Council approved the waiver of sewer pro rata, water impact, road impact, and other fees totaling $257,416.88 to the Panattoni Development Company, LLC for the development of the Firewheel Distribution Center containing 218,812 sq. ft. of a new office and distribution facility valued at $19,000,000. Courtland Development has split from Panattoni Development and with the split has taken the Firewheel Distribution Center project. Council is requested to consider transferring the waiver of fees approved for Panattoni Development Company to Courtland Development?s limited partnership, Firewheel Distribution Center, L.P. This item is scheduled for formal consideration at the September 4, 2007 Regular Meeting.
If required, Council and staff will continue discussions regarding the 2007-08 Proposed Budget.
4. Discuss Committee Reports/Assignments - Council
5. Discuss Appointments to Boards and Commissions - Council
Consent Agenda and Future Items For Discussion
6. Discuss Consent Agenda - Council 7. Discuss Future Agenda Items - Council