Prayer, Pledge, Presentation and Proclamation
Invocation, Pledge, Presentations and Proclamations.
(1.) Consider approval of the minutes of the June 5, 2007 Regular Meeting. (2.) Consider a resolution awarding the following bids: (a.) Bid No. 253-07. (b.) Concrete Tools and Accessories - Bid No. 244-07. (3a.) Zoning File No. 07-26, Suresh Davra (3b.) Zoning File No. 07-27, Runyon Architects and Associates (3c.) Zoning File No. 07-30, Taco Bell of America. (4.) Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 26, "Police ? Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas relating to the regulation of sexually oriented businesses. (6.) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a design contract with Jones & Boyd, Inc. in the amount of $246,300. (7.) Resolution accepting and approving the Garland Housing Agency?s second year update on its five year annual plan, and the fiscal year 2007 annual plan update and administrative plan.
NTMWD - Alternative Rate Methodologies
Item 5 - Consider a resolution urging the North Texas Municipal Water District to consider alternative rate methodologies to encourage water conservation and efficient water usage.
Request for variance to the Fence Ordinance
Item 10 - Council is requested to consider the application of Anwar Abu-Salim, requesting approval of a variance to Section 30.203 of the Code of Ordinances regarding the setback requirements for a fence located in the front yard. The property is located at 2801 and 2805 West Buckingham Road.
Consider a request for roadway impact fee waiver
Item 11 - Council is requested to consider a request by James P. Best for waiver of roadway impact fees for property located on the south side of West IH 30, west of Duck Creek.
Consider appointments, Citizen comments, Adjourn
Item 12: Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions, Item 13: Citizen comments, and Item 14: Adjourn.
Electric Utility Easement Agreement
Item 8 - Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an electric utility easement agreement with Farmers Electric Cooperative.
Raising Residential Homestead Exemption
Item 9 - Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 40, "Taxation" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, providing a residential homestead exemption of 7% beginning in tax year 2007.
Prayer, Pledge, Presentation and Proclamation
Invocation, Pledge, Presentations and Proclamations.
(1.) Consider approval of the minutes of the June 5, 2007 Regular Meeting. (2.) Consider a resolution awarding the following bids: (a.) Bid No. 253-07. (b.) Concrete Tools and Accessories - Bid No. 244-07. (3a.) Zoning File No. 07-26, Suresh Davra (3b.) Zoning File No. 07-27, Runyon Architects and Associates (3c.) Zoning File No. 07-30, Taco Bell of America. (4.) Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 26, "Police ? Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas relating to the regulation of sexually oriented businesses. (6.) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a design contract with Jones & Boyd, Inc. in the amount of $246,300. (7.) Resolution accepting and approving the Garland Housing Agency?s second year update on its five year annual plan, and the fiscal year 2007 annual plan update and administrative plan.
NTMWD - Alternative Rate Methodologies
Item 5 - Consider a resolution urging the North Texas Municipal Water District to consider alternative rate methodologies to encourage water conservation and efficient water usage.
Request for variance to the Fence Ordinance
Item 10 - Council is requested to consider the application of Anwar Abu-Salim, requesting approval of a variance to Section 30.203 of the Code of Ordinances regarding the setback requirements for a fence located in the front yard. The property is located at 2801 and 2805 West Buckingham Road.
Consider a request for roadway impact fee waiver
Item 11 - Council is requested to consider a request by James P. Best for waiver of roadway impact fees for property located on the south side of West IH 30, west of Duck Creek.
Consider appointments, Citizen comments, Adjourn
Item 12: Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions, Item 13: Citizen comments, and Item 14: Adjourn.
Electric Utility Easement Agreement
Item 8 - Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an electric utility easement agreement with Farmers Electric Cooperative.
Raising Residential Homestead Exemption
Item 9 - Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 40, "Taxation" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, providing a residential homestead exemption of 7% beginning in tax year 2007.