Call to Order Invocation Pledge
Special Recognitions
Consent Agenda Items: 1, 2 & 3B - 6
Zoning File No. 12-15, Chicken Express Consider an ordinance amending the zoning laws of the City of Garland by approving a change in zoning from Office 1 (O-1) District to Office 2 (O-2) District, and a Specific Use Permit for Restaurant, Drive-through on a 1.09-acre tract of land located at 3300 Broadway Boulevard.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions.
Call to Order Invocation Pledge
Special Recognitions
Consent Agenda Items: 1, 2 & 3B - 6
Zoning File No. 12-15, Chicken Express Consider an ordinance amending the zoning laws of the City of Garland by approving a change in zoning from Office 1 (O-1) District to Office 2 (O-2) District, and a Specific Use Permit for Restaurant, Drive-through on a 1.09-acre tract of land located at 3300 Broadway Boulevard.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions.