Verbal Briefings: Recommendation for Tax Abatement Mayer/Schuster Advanced Health and Rehab Center of Garland In 2010, TL Management acquired the former Silver Leaves Nursing Home located at 505 W. Centerville, which was built in 1969. The company plans to build a new 70,000 sq. ft. facility at 1101 Colonel Drive and relocate all current employees and patients from the Centerville site. The company also plans to hire 30 – 50 additional employees. As part of the Garland Economic Development Partnership’s (GEDP) retention and expansion program of encouraging quality development in the City of Garland, the GEDP’s Steering Committee recommends that Council provide the following: 1.) general support for the project and 2.) support of a 50% City Tax Abatement on new Real Estate Value for five years totaling $193,765.
Briefing on Response to August 13, 2013 Storms Rivas Council will be briefed on the City’s response to the August 13, 2013 storm. Members of the responding departments will be present to share their department’s role in the response and subsequent cleanup efforts.
Verbal Briefings: Recommendation for Tax Abatement Mayer/Schuster Advanced Health and Rehab Center of Garland In 2010, TL Management acquired the former Silver Leaves Nursing Home located at 505 W. Centerville, which was built in 1969. The company plans to build a new 70,000 sq. ft. facility at 1101 Colonel Drive and relocate all current employees and patients from the Centerville site. The company also plans to hire 30 – 50 additional employees. As part of the Garland Economic Development Partnership’s (GEDP) retention and expansion program of encouraging quality development in the City of Garland, the GEDP’s Steering Committee recommends that Council provide the following: 1.) general support for the project and 2.) support of a 50% City Tax Abatement on new Real Estate Value for five years totaling $193,765.
Briefing on Response to August 13, 2013 Storms Rivas Council will be briefed on the City’s response to the August 13, 2013 storm. Members of the responding departments will be present to share their department’s role in the response and subsequent cleanup efforts.