Written Briefings: a. Confirmation of City Health Officer Dr. Timothy Lambert has served as Garland’s City Health Officer since June 25, 2005. His current two-year term expires October 1, 2015. Staff recommends that Council confirm Dr. Timothy Lambert for a two-year term as City Health Officer. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 1, 2015 Regular Meeting. b. Consider Assistance Request for Nonprofit Special Event City Council Policy OPNS-29, Special Events Policies and Guidelines, states that the City Manager or his designee is authorized to consider and approve requests from nonprofit organizations for in-kind City services that meet the policy requirements in amounts up to $5,000, within available budgeted funds. The Noon Exchange Club of Garland has requested the waiving of expenditures for City services in the amount of $10,800 for their Labor Day parade and afternoon festivities in the Downtown Square on Monday, September 7, 2015. Because the request for City services is over $5,000, Council approval is requested. c. Downtown Parking – Ordinance Amendments The opening of the parking garage and city center project will provide many parking changes. As part of these changes, the extension of the existing time limited parking will be necessary. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 1, 2015 Regular Meeting. d. Amend Tax Roll Annually, Council is asked to consider amending the tax roll to reflect uncollected ad valorem taxes as required by generally accepted accounting principles. Although the tax roll is reduced by this action, collection efforts continue unless the costs of these efforts exceed potential revenues. Staff requests Council consideration to proceed with the annual tax roll amendment process. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 1, 2015 Regular Meeting.
Verbal Briefings: a. Eastern Hills Country Club Redevelopment Study The City engaged a consultant team to evaluate potential uses for the vacant Eastern Hills Country Club property and to facilitate discussions between the property owner, potential developer and the neighboring property owners. An Advisory Committee comprised of representatives of each of the stakeholders was formed to work with the consultant team and City staff. The attached report as well as the presentation given by the consultant team will describe the background, process, and results of the study.
Community Services Report Goebel Council Member Anita Goebel, chair of the Community Services Committee, will provide a committee report on the following items: • Neighborhood Vitality Grant policies
Review of 2015-16 Proposed Budget Young Staff presentations and discussion of the FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget. This will be the first of five scheduled Budget review sessions, with the second Work Session scheduled for Saturday, August 22, 2015, at 9:00 a.m.; the third session scheduled as part of the Work Session on Monday, August 31, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.; the fourth Work Session scheduled for Thursday, September 3, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.; and the fifth Work Session (if needed) scheduled for Thursday, September 10, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
Discuss Appointments to Boards and Commissions Council Council Member Anita Goebel • Bryan Allen Stockton – Citizens Environmental and Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Written Briefings: a. Confirmation of City Health Officer Dr. Timothy Lambert has served as Garland’s City Health Officer since June 25, 2005. His current two-year term expires October 1, 2015. Staff recommends that Council confirm Dr. Timothy Lambert for a two-year term as City Health Officer. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 1, 2015 Regular Meeting. b. Consider Assistance Request for Nonprofit Special Event City Council Policy OPNS-29, Special Events Policies and Guidelines, states that the City Manager or his designee is authorized to consider and approve requests from nonprofit organizations for in-kind City services that meet the policy requirements in amounts up to $5,000, within available budgeted funds. The Noon Exchange Club of Garland has requested the waiving of expenditures for City services in the amount of $10,800 for their Labor Day parade and afternoon festivities in the Downtown Square on Monday, September 7, 2015. Because the request for City services is over $5,000, Council approval is requested. c. Downtown Parking – Ordinance Amendments The opening of the parking garage and city center project will provide many parking changes. As part of these changes, the extension of the existing time limited parking will be necessary. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 1, 2015 Regular Meeting. d. Amend Tax Roll Annually, Council is asked to consider amending the tax roll to reflect uncollected ad valorem taxes as required by generally accepted accounting principles. Although the tax roll is reduced by this action, collection efforts continue unless the costs of these efforts exceed potential revenues. Staff requests Council consideration to proceed with the annual tax roll amendment process. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 1, 2015 Regular Meeting.
Verbal Briefings: a. Eastern Hills Country Club Redevelopment Study The City engaged a consultant team to evaluate potential uses for the vacant Eastern Hills Country Club property and to facilitate discussions between the property owner, potential developer and the neighboring property owners. An Advisory Committee comprised of representatives of each of the stakeholders was formed to work with the consultant team and City staff. The attached report as well as the presentation given by the consultant team will describe the background, process, and results of the study.
Community Services Report Goebel Council Member Anita Goebel, chair of the Community Services Committee, will provide a committee report on the following items: • Neighborhood Vitality Grant policies
Review of 2015-16 Proposed Budget Young Staff presentations and discussion of the FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget. This will be the first of five scheduled Budget review sessions, with the second Work Session scheduled for Saturday, August 22, 2015, at 9:00 a.m.; the third session scheduled as part of the Work Session on Monday, August 31, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.; the fourth Work Session scheduled for Thursday, September 3, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.; and the fifth Work Session (if needed) scheduled for Thursday, September 10, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
Discuss Appointments to Boards and Commissions Council Council Member Anita Goebel • Bryan Allen Stockton – Citizens Environmental and Neighborhood Advisory Committee