Written Briefings: a. Rescheduling of October 4 and December 20 City Council Meetings Council is requested to consider rescheduling the October 4, 2016 Regular Meeting to October 3, 2016 in order to allow the Mayor and Council the opportunity to participate in local National Night Out activities. The Council will also consider rescheduling the December 20, 2016 Regular Meeting to December 13, 2016. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the January 5, 2016 Regular Meeting. b. Post Disaster Removal and Monitoring Services Agreement Council is requested to consider the approval of (1) post-disaster removal services (plus a back-up, standby agreement with a second contractor), and (2) debris-removal monitoring services all relating to debris removal arising from the December 26, 2015 tornado. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item is scheduled for formal consideration on tonight’s consent agenda.
Verbal Briefings: Update by Vision Energy Consultants Janke Council will be provided with an update by Vision Energy Consultants related to projects that are ongoing to include the Houston Import Project, the Southern Cross Project and a potential project that would create a transmission alliance with a national transmission company. An update will be given on issues faced at the PUCT including a rule making for SB 776 and filing GP&L’s first CCN case at the PUCT and a discussion regarding significant leadership changes that are on-going at ERCOT.
Update of the December 26, 2015 Tornado Event Rivas The Office of Emergency Management Staff will provide an update to the Council on the December 26, 2015 tornado.
Consider the Consent Agenda Council A member of the City Council may ask that an item on the consent agenda for the next regular meeting be pulled from the consent agenda and considered separate from the other consent agenda items. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time.
4. Announce Future Agenda Items Council A member of the City Council, with a second by another member, or the Mayor alone, may ask that an item be placed on a future agenda of the City Council or a committee of the City Council. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time. 5. Council will move into Executive Session Council
Written Briefings: a. Rescheduling of October 4 and December 20 City Council Meetings Council is requested to consider rescheduling the October 4, 2016 Regular Meeting to October 3, 2016 in order to allow the Mayor and Council the opportunity to participate in local National Night Out activities. The Council will also consider rescheduling the December 20, 2016 Regular Meeting to December 13, 2016. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the January 5, 2016 Regular Meeting. b. Post Disaster Removal and Monitoring Services Agreement Council is requested to consider the approval of (1) post-disaster removal services (plus a back-up, standby agreement with a second contractor), and (2) debris-removal monitoring services all relating to debris removal arising from the December 26, 2015 tornado. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item is scheduled for formal consideration on tonight’s consent agenda.
Verbal Briefings: Update by Vision Energy Consultants Janke Council will be provided with an update by Vision Energy Consultants related to projects that are ongoing to include the Houston Import Project, the Southern Cross Project and a potential project that would create a transmission alliance with a national transmission company. An update will be given on issues faced at the PUCT including a rule making for SB 776 and filing GP&L’s first CCN case at the PUCT and a discussion regarding significant leadership changes that are on-going at ERCOT.
Update of the December 26, 2015 Tornado Event Rivas The Office of Emergency Management Staff will provide an update to the Council on the December 26, 2015 tornado.
Consider the Consent Agenda Council A member of the City Council may ask that an item on the consent agenda for the next regular meeting be pulled from the consent agenda and considered separate from the other consent agenda items. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time.
4. Announce Future Agenda Items Council A member of the City Council, with a second by another member, or the Mayor alone, may ask that an item be placed on a future agenda of the City Council or a committee of the City Council. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time. 5. Council will move into Executive Session Council