Consider the Consent Agenda A member of the City Council may ask for discussion or further information on an item posted as a consent agenda item on the next Regular Meeting of the City Council. The Council Member may also ask that an item on the posted consent agenda be pulled from the consent agenda and considered for a vote separate from consent agenda items on the regular agenda. All discussions or deliberations on this portion of the work session agenda are limited to posted agenda items and may not include a new or unposted subject matter.
Written Briefings: a. 2020 Capital Improvement Program Budget Amendment No. 1 Council is requested to approve the proposed Capital Improvement Program Budget Amendment No. 1. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 1, 2020 Regular Meeting. b. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) 2021 Comprehensive Grant Council is requested to accept the TxDOT Grant Funding for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Comprehensive Grant for FY 2020-2021. This item is scheduled for formal consideration at the August 18, 2020 Regular Meeting. c. 2020 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Council is requested to approve submission of the application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance. This item is scheduled for formal consideration at the August 18, 2020 Regular Meeting.
COVID-19 Response Update and Further Actions Staff will provide an update to Council and ask for Council direction, if needed, on various matters related to COVID-19 and actions being taken by the City. Staff will also provide an update on the Proactive Code Compliance Enforcement Program during COVID-19.
Trails and Bikeways Master Plan Update The City of Garland is developing a Trails and Bikeways Master Plan. The City has contracted with Halff Associates Inc. to provide planning services resulting in a final master plan document that will guide the development of network recommendations, context sensitive design guidelines, and implementation recommendations for trails and bikeways facilities throughout the City. The scope of the master plan analysis includes off-road and on-road pathways, bike lanes, trails, and other facilities that will connect users to key destinations within Garland as well as provide connections to adjacent communities.
Discuss Appointments to Boards and Commissions Mayor Scott LeMay Stephanie Paris - Community Multicultural Commission Council Member David Gibbons James VanDyke - Board of Adjustment Christopher Alvarez - Community Multicultural Commission Merrill Balanciere - Cultural Arts Commission James Dobbins - Environmental and Community Advisory Board Nazly Haroon - Library Board Ed Seghers - Parks and Recreation Board Scott Roberts - Plan Commission Eric Scholl - Property Standards Board Mark Hasson - Senior Citizens Advisory Board Aaron Miller - Unified Building Standards Commission Council Member Jerry Nickerson Jason Rodriguez - Library Board
6. Announce Future Agenda Items A member of the City Council, with a second by another member, or the Mayor alone, may ask that an item be placed on a future agenda of the City Council or a committee of the City Council. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time. 7. Adjourn
Consider the Consent Agenda A member of the City Council may ask for discussion or further information on an item posted as a consent agenda item on the next Regular Meeting of the City Council. The Council Member may also ask that an item on the posted consent agenda be pulled from the consent agenda and considered for a vote separate from consent agenda items on the regular agenda. All discussions or deliberations on this portion of the work session agenda are limited to posted agenda items and may not include a new or unposted subject matter.
Written Briefings: a. 2020 Capital Improvement Program Budget Amendment No. 1 Council is requested to approve the proposed Capital Improvement Program Budget Amendment No. 1. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 1, 2020 Regular Meeting. b. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) 2021 Comprehensive Grant Council is requested to accept the TxDOT Grant Funding for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Comprehensive Grant for FY 2020-2021. This item is scheduled for formal consideration at the August 18, 2020 Regular Meeting. c. 2020 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Council is requested to approve submission of the application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance. This item is scheduled for formal consideration at the August 18, 2020 Regular Meeting.
COVID-19 Response Update and Further Actions Staff will provide an update to Council and ask for Council direction, if needed, on various matters related to COVID-19 and actions being taken by the City. Staff will also provide an update on the Proactive Code Compliance Enforcement Program during COVID-19.
Trails and Bikeways Master Plan Update The City of Garland is developing a Trails and Bikeways Master Plan. The City has contracted with Halff Associates Inc. to provide planning services resulting in a final master plan document that will guide the development of network recommendations, context sensitive design guidelines, and implementation recommendations for trails and bikeways facilities throughout the City. The scope of the master plan analysis includes off-road and on-road pathways, bike lanes, trails, and other facilities that will connect users to key destinations within Garland as well as provide connections to adjacent communities.
Discuss Appointments to Boards and Commissions Mayor Scott LeMay Stephanie Paris - Community Multicultural Commission Council Member David Gibbons James VanDyke - Board of Adjustment Christopher Alvarez - Community Multicultural Commission Merrill Balanciere - Cultural Arts Commission James Dobbins - Environmental and Community Advisory Board Nazly Haroon - Library Board Ed Seghers - Parks and Recreation Board Scott Roberts - Plan Commission Eric Scholl - Property Standards Board Mark Hasson - Senior Citizens Advisory Board Aaron Miller - Unified Building Standards Commission Council Member Jerry Nickerson Jason Rodriguez - Library Board
6. Announce Future Agenda Items A member of the City Council, with a second by another member, or the Mayor alone, may ask that an item be placed on a future agenda of the City Council or a committee of the City Council. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time. 7. Adjourn