Public Comments on Work Session Items
Consider the Consent Agenda A member of the City Council may ask for discussion or further information on an item posted as a consent agenda item on the next Regular Meeting of the City Council. The Council Member may also ask that an item on the posted consent agenda be pulled from the consent agenda and considered for a vote separate from consent agenda items on the regular agenda. All discussions or deliberations on this portion of the work session agenda are limited to posted agenda items and may not include a new or unposted subject matter.
Volunteer Appointment - Civil Service Commission Under the State of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 143.006 and the City of Garland Firefighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations (Local Rules), a three member Civil Service Commission is appointed by the City Manager and confirmed by City Council on a staggered three-year basis. For 2020, the application process was advertised through May 25, along with other available Boards and Commissions, resulting in three qualified applicants. Each applicant met with the City Manager to discuss their interest, professional background and qualifications. In addition, an overview was provided of Commission requirements for service and meeting frequency. Based on the review, the City Manager selected incumbent Rick Parra for continued service for an additional three years. This item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 15, 2020 Regular Meeting.
Interviews for the Garland Housing Finance Corporation Board The Garland Housing Finance Corporation notified the City that Chris Lunas' term of office as a Garland Housing Finance Corporation Board Member expired August 31, 2020. Information was posted on the City's website for 21 days regarding the qualifications of the Garland Housing Finance Corporation in order to provide an opportunity for citizens to apply for the position. A letter of interest was received from Isaac Abu, Eric Barron, Gwen Hamilton, Peter Romanyak and Bill Shipp. This item is scheduled for formal consideration at the September 15, 2020 Regular Meeting.
COVID-19 Response Update and Further Actions Staff will provide an update to Council and ask for Council direction, if needed, on various matters related to COVID-19 and actions being taken by the City.
Budget Discussions - Final Direction from Council Council will give final direction to staff regarding the 2020-21 Budget.
Street Department Program Update The Director of Streets will provide an update to the City Council on the status of the department's maintenance and construction programs.
2019 Bond Program - Status Update Staff will brief Council on progress to date in implementing the 2019 Bond Program.
Internal Audit Committee Report Rich Aubin, Chair of the Internal Audit Committee, will provide a committee report on the following items: FY19 External Audit Report CIP Reimbursement Audit Cash Count Audit Inventory Management Audit
Discuss the Board Make-Up of the Garland Foundation for Development At the request of Council Member Deborah Morris and Mayor Scott LeMay, Council is requested to discuss the Board make-up of the Garland Foundation for Development.
Announce Future Agenda Items A member of the City Council, with a second by another member, or the Mayor alone, may ask that an item be placed on a future agenda of the City Council or a committee of the City Council. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time.
6. Council will move into Executive Session EXECUTIVE SESSION AGENDA NOTICE: The City Council may recess from the open session and convene in a closed executive session if the discussion of any of the listed agenda items concerns one or more of the following matters: The City Council will adjourn into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071 of the Texas Government Code to discuss pending or contemplated litigation or other attorney-client matters deemed confidential by law pertaining to the North Texas Municipal Water District water rate appeal and related cases, PUC Docket No. 46662, et al. 7. Adjourn
Public Comments on Work Session Items
Consider the Consent Agenda A member of the City Council may ask for discussion or further information on an item posted as a consent agenda item on the next Regular Meeting of the City Council. The Council Member may also ask that an item on the posted consent agenda be pulled from the consent agenda and considered for a vote separate from consent agenda items on the regular agenda. All discussions or deliberations on this portion of the work session agenda are limited to posted agenda items and may not include a new or unposted subject matter.
Volunteer Appointment - Civil Service Commission Under the State of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 143.006 and the City of Garland Firefighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations (Local Rules), a three member Civil Service Commission is appointed by the City Manager and confirmed by City Council on a staggered three-year basis. For 2020, the application process was advertised through May 25, along with other available Boards and Commissions, resulting in three qualified applicants. Each applicant met with the City Manager to discuss their interest, professional background and qualifications. In addition, an overview was provided of Commission requirements for service and meeting frequency. Based on the review, the City Manager selected incumbent Rick Parra for continued service for an additional three years. This item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 15, 2020 Regular Meeting.
Interviews for the Garland Housing Finance Corporation Board The Garland Housing Finance Corporation notified the City that Chris Lunas' term of office as a Garland Housing Finance Corporation Board Member expired August 31, 2020. Information was posted on the City's website for 21 days regarding the qualifications of the Garland Housing Finance Corporation in order to provide an opportunity for citizens to apply for the position. A letter of interest was received from Isaac Abu, Eric Barron, Gwen Hamilton, Peter Romanyak and Bill Shipp. This item is scheduled for formal consideration at the September 15, 2020 Regular Meeting.
COVID-19 Response Update and Further Actions Staff will provide an update to Council and ask for Council direction, if needed, on various matters related to COVID-19 and actions being taken by the City.
Budget Discussions - Final Direction from Council Council will give final direction to staff regarding the 2020-21 Budget.
Street Department Program Update The Director of Streets will provide an update to the City Council on the status of the department's maintenance and construction programs.
2019 Bond Program - Status Update Staff will brief Council on progress to date in implementing the 2019 Bond Program.
Internal Audit Committee Report Rich Aubin, Chair of the Internal Audit Committee, will provide a committee report on the following items: FY19 External Audit Report CIP Reimbursement Audit Cash Count Audit Inventory Management Audit
Discuss the Board Make-Up of the Garland Foundation for Development At the request of Council Member Deborah Morris and Mayor Scott LeMay, Council is requested to discuss the Board make-up of the Garland Foundation for Development.
Announce Future Agenda Items A member of the City Council, with a second by another member, or the Mayor alone, may ask that an item be placed on a future agenda of the City Council or a committee of the City Council. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time.
6. Council will move into Executive Session EXECUTIVE SESSION AGENDA NOTICE: The City Council may recess from the open session and convene in a closed executive session if the discussion of any of the listed agenda items concerns one or more of the following matters: The City Council will adjourn into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071 of the Texas Government Code to discuss pending or contemplated litigation or other attorney-client matters deemed confidential by law pertaining to the North Texas Municipal Water District water rate appeal and related cases, PUC Docket No. 46662, et al. 7. Adjourn