Call to Order Prayer Pledge
Proclamations, Presentations and Announcements
Proclamations, Presentations and Announcements
Consider approval of the minutes of the November 5, 2013 City Council Regular Meeting. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Caterpillar Excavator Bid No. 4002-14 Holt Cat $164,566.00 This request is to purchase a Caterpillar 312EL Excavator for the Street Department for use in their daily operations. Funding for this project was approved in the 2013-2014 Operating Budget. b. Jet Sewer Truck Bid No. 4003-14 Freightliner Austin $286,430.10 Consider by minute action authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $32,957 to PO 21408 to Techline, Inc. Consider by minute action authorizing the City Manager to execute the proposed contact with Civil Associates, Inc. in the amount of $377,610. Consider a resolution approving the Investment Policy and Investment Strategy, of the City of Garland, as amended. Consider a resolution amending the City of Garland authorized representatives for purposes of participation in the Texas Local Government Investment Pool.
Consider the application of Ed Seghers, requesting approval of a change in zoning from Multi-Family (MF-12) District to Planned Development (PD) District for Office-1 (O-1) Uses. The property is located at 800 South Sixth Street, east of South Sixth Street and south of West Avenue G. (District 2) (File 13-38)
Consider the application of Douglas Properties, requesting approval of a change in zoning from Planned Development (PD) District 70-52 for Apartments, Retail, and Townhouses to a Planned Development (PD) District for Commercial (C-1) Uses (Self Storage Units). This property is located on the east side of East Centerville Road, approximately 1,350 linear feet north of the intersection of East Miller Road and East Centerville Road. (District 2) (File 13-43)
Hold a public hearing to allow public input on the possible relocation of the Pace and Lyles houses to either the Central Library Parking Lot or to Central Park.
Hold a public hearing to allow public input on the possible relocation of the Pace and Lyles houses to either the Central Library Parking Lot or to Central Park. 9. Citizen comments. 10. Adjourn.
Call to Order Prayer Pledge
Proclamations, Presentations and Announcements
Proclamations, Presentations and Announcements
Consider approval of the minutes of the November 5, 2013 City Council Regular Meeting. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Caterpillar Excavator Bid No. 4002-14 Holt Cat $164,566.00 This request is to purchase a Caterpillar 312EL Excavator for the Street Department for use in their daily operations. Funding for this project was approved in the 2013-2014 Operating Budget. b. Jet Sewer Truck Bid No. 4003-14 Freightliner Austin $286,430.10 Consider by minute action authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $32,957 to PO 21408 to Techline, Inc. Consider by minute action authorizing the City Manager to execute the proposed contact with Civil Associates, Inc. in the amount of $377,610. Consider a resolution approving the Investment Policy and Investment Strategy, of the City of Garland, as amended. Consider a resolution amending the City of Garland authorized representatives for purposes of participation in the Texas Local Government Investment Pool.
Consider the application of Ed Seghers, requesting approval of a change in zoning from Multi-Family (MF-12) District to Planned Development (PD) District for Office-1 (O-1) Uses. The property is located at 800 South Sixth Street, east of South Sixth Street and south of West Avenue G. (District 2) (File 13-38)
Consider the application of Douglas Properties, requesting approval of a change in zoning from Planned Development (PD) District 70-52 for Apartments, Retail, and Townhouses to a Planned Development (PD) District for Commercial (C-1) Uses (Self Storage Units). This property is located on the east side of East Centerville Road, approximately 1,350 linear feet north of the intersection of East Miller Road and East Centerville Road. (District 2) (File 13-43)
Hold a public hearing to allow public input on the possible relocation of the Pace and Lyles houses to either the Central Library Parking Lot or to Central Park.
Hold a public hearing to allow public input on the possible relocation of the Pace and Lyles houses to either the Central Library Parking Lot or to Central Park. 9. Citizen comments. 10. Adjourn.