Call to Order
MAYORAL PROCLAMATIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
CONSENT AGENDA All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has been briefed on these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the February 17, 2015 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Underground Cable Replacement Bid No. 5019-15 Infratech Corporation $592,754.57 Optional Contingency 52,000.00 TOTAL $644,754.57 This request is for the replacement of underground cable on five distribution loops as part of Garland Power & Light’s maintenance operations. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. b. Police Pursuit Vehicles Bid No. 5054-15 Caldwell Country Chevrolet $1,062,125.00 This request is for thirty-five 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe Pursuit Vehicles to be used by the Garland Police Department in their daily operations. c. TMPA Shelby to Greenville Transmission Bid No. 5036-15 Line Upgrade Grays Power Supply $448,987.25 Optional Contingency 112,246.81 TOTAL $561,234.06 This request is to provide construction, labor, and equipment for pole replacements on the TMPA Shelby to Greenville Interchange 136 kV Transmission Line. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. d. Tandem Vibratory Rollers Bid No. 5192-15 Holt Caterpillar $238,978.00 This request is for two Caterpillar Tandem Vibratory Rollers to be used by the Street Department in their daily operations. e. Energy Management System Bid No. 5174-15 Software Renewal Open Systems International, Inc. $132,395.00 This request is for the purpose of updating GP&L’s Energy Management System / Generation Management System to the latest hardware and software for interfacing compatibility with ERCOT. This contract will be renewed annually unless cancelled by either the City or the vendor. f. Transmission Line Vegetation Management Bid No. 5077-15 Asplundh Tree Experts $200,000.00 Optional Contingency 20,000.00 TOTAL $220,000.00 This request is to provide Vegetation Management Services on the Garland Power & Light CREZ Transmission Line. This is a term contract with four optional renewals. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. g. Water Meters for Warehouse Inventory Bid No. 5010-15 Badger Meter, Inc. $586,301.00 This request is for water meters for commercial and residential water distribution. This is a term contract with four optional renewals. h. Water Meter Modules for Warehouse Inventory Bid No. 5146-15 Itron, Inc. $195,000.00 This request is to provide ERT modules to support the Water Department’s automated meter reading operations. This is a term contract with four optional renewals. i. Materials for Bryan East / Gibbons Creek Bid No. 5095-15 Transmission Line Techline, Inc. $153,172.18 Optional Contingency 15,317.21 TOTAL $168,489.39 This request is for materials necessary for the replacement of wooden poles on the Bryan East / Gibbons Creek 138 kV Transmission Line. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. j. Construction for Bryan East / Gibbons Creek Bid No. 5025-15 Transmission Line The Fishel Company $1,421,426.11 Optional Contingency 142,142.61 TOTAL $1,563,568.72 This request is to provide all labor and equipment necessary for the replacement of wooden poles on the Bryan East / Gibbons Creek 138 kV Transmission Line. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. 3. Consider a resolution authorizing the abandonment, release, and conveyance of a certain drainage easement to First Texas Homes, Inc. At the February 16, 2015 Work Session, Council considered authorizing a resolution to abandon the drainage easement on the tract of land east of Heron’s Bay Estates No. 1 subdivision to First Texas Homes, Inc. 4. Public hearings were previously conducted for the following zoning case. Council approved the request and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinance for consideration. Zoning File No. 15-01, Sargent Design Consider an ordinance amending the zoning laws of the City of Garland by approving an amendment to Planned Development District 14-17 for limited multifamily uses and a Detail Plan for Independent Senior Living facility, on a 1.030-acre tract of land located at 2101 West Walnut Street. 5. Consider an ordinance authorizing an amendment to the 2014-15 operating budget (budget amendment no. 2), providing for supplemental appropriation of funds in the general fund, the equipment replacement fund, the infrastructure repair and replacement fund, the narcotic seizure funds, the public safety grant fund, and various funds associated with purchase order encumbrances; and providing an effective date. At the February 16, 2015, Work Session, Council reviewed a policy report recommending an amendment to the 2014-15 Adopted Budget. The Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance amending the Budget for (1) projects approved in last year’s budget but uncompleted by the fiscal year-end, (2) the rollover of open purchase orders from the 2013-14 fiscal year, (3) grant and other funds recently awarded to the City, and (4) expenditures not anticipated in the 2014-15 Adopted Budget.
Energy Management System Bid No. 5174-15 Software Renewal Open Systems International, Inc. $132,395.00 This request is for the purpose of updating GP&L’s Energy Management System / Generation Management System to the latest hardware and software for interfacing compatibility with ERCOT. This contract will be renewed annually unless cancelled by either the City or the vendor.
Hold public hearing on the following zoning case: Consider the application of Harlan Properties requesting approval of a Detail Plan for approximately 123 townhouses on property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 14-31 for Townhouse Uses.
Hold a public hearing to receive comment on the 2015 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The 2015 Proposed CIP has been available for public inspection in the City’s libraries, in the City Secretary’s Office, and on the City’s Website since February 18, 2015. A public hearing was also held on February 21, 2015.
Consider an ordinance approving the 2015 Capital Improvement Program. On February 17, 2015, Council was presented with the Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for 2015. A public hearing was held on the Proposed CIP on February 21, 2015 and was scheduled for consideration by Council at the March 3, 2015 Work Session.
9. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 10. Council will move into Executive Session 11. Adjourn.
Call to Order
MAYORAL PROCLAMATIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
CONSENT AGENDA All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has been briefed on these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the February 17, 2015 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Underground Cable Replacement Bid No. 5019-15 Infratech Corporation $592,754.57 Optional Contingency 52,000.00 TOTAL $644,754.57 This request is for the replacement of underground cable on five distribution loops as part of Garland Power & Light’s maintenance operations. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. b. Police Pursuit Vehicles Bid No. 5054-15 Caldwell Country Chevrolet $1,062,125.00 This request is for thirty-five 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe Pursuit Vehicles to be used by the Garland Police Department in their daily operations. c. TMPA Shelby to Greenville Transmission Bid No. 5036-15 Line Upgrade Grays Power Supply $448,987.25 Optional Contingency 112,246.81 TOTAL $561,234.06 This request is to provide construction, labor, and equipment for pole replacements on the TMPA Shelby to Greenville Interchange 136 kV Transmission Line. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. d. Tandem Vibratory Rollers Bid No. 5192-15 Holt Caterpillar $238,978.00 This request is for two Caterpillar Tandem Vibratory Rollers to be used by the Street Department in their daily operations. e. Energy Management System Bid No. 5174-15 Software Renewal Open Systems International, Inc. $132,395.00 This request is for the purpose of updating GP&L’s Energy Management System / Generation Management System to the latest hardware and software for interfacing compatibility with ERCOT. This contract will be renewed annually unless cancelled by either the City or the vendor. f. Transmission Line Vegetation Management Bid No. 5077-15 Asplundh Tree Experts $200,000.00 Optional Contingency 20,000.00 TOTAL $220,000.00 This request is to provide Vegetation Management Services on the Garland Power & Light CREZ Transmission Line. This is a term contract with four optional renewals. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. g. Water Meters for Warehouse Inventory Bid No. 5010-15 Badger Meter, Inc. $586,301.00 This request is for water meters for commercial and residential water distribution. This is a term contract with four optional renewals. h. Water Meter Modules for Warehouse Inventory Bid No. 5146-15 Itron, Inc. $195,000.00 This request is to provide ERT modules to support the Water Department’s automated meter reading operations. This is a term contract with four optional renewals. i. Materials for Bryan East / Gibbons Creek Bid No. 5095-15 Transmission Line Techline, Inc. $153,172.18 Optional Contingency 15,317.21 TOTAL $168,489.39 This request is for materials necessary for the replacement of wooden poles on the Bryan East / Gibbons Creek 138 kV Transmission Line. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. j. Construction for Bryan East / Gibbons Creek Bid No. 5025-15 Transmission Line The Fishel Company $1,421,426.11 Optional Contingency 142,142.61 TOTAL $1,563,568.72 This request is to provide all labor and equipment necessary for the replacement of wooden poles on the Bryan East / Gibbons Creek 138 kV Transmission Line. Due to the complex nature of the project, an optional contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. 3. Consider a resolution authorizing the abandonment, release, and conveyance of a certain drainage easement to First Texas Homes, Inc. At the February 16, 2015 Work Session, Council considered authorizing a resolution to abandon the drainage easement on the tract of land east of Heron’s Bay Estates No. 1 subdivision to First Texas Homes, Inc. 4. Public hearings were previously conducted for the following zoning case. Council approved the request and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinance for consideration. Zoning File No. 15-01, Sargent Design Consider an ordinance amending the zoning laws of the City of Garland by approving an amendment to Planned Development District 14-17 for limited multifamily uses and a Detail Plan for Independent Senior Living facility, on a 1.030-acre tract of land located at 2101 West Walnut Street. 5. Consider an ordinance authorizing an amendment to the 2014-15 operating budget (budget amendment no. 2), providing for supplemental appropriation of funds in the general fund, the equipment replacement fund, the infrastructure repair and replacement fund, the narcotic seizure funds, the public safety grant fund, and various funds associated with purchase order encumbrances; and providing an effective date. At the February 16, 2015, Work Session, Council reviewed a policy report recommending an amendment to the 2014-15 Adopted Budget. The Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance amending the Budget for (1) projects approved in last year’s budget but uncompleted by the fiscal year-end, (2) the rollover of open purchase orders from the 2013-14 fiscal year, (3) grant and other funds recently awarded to the City, and (4) expenditures not anticipated in the 2014-15 Adopted Budget.
Energy Management System Bid No. 5174-15 Software Renewal Open Systems International, Inc. $132,395.00 This request is for the purpose of updating GP&L’s Energy Management System / Generation Management System to the latest hardware and software for interfacing compatibility with ERCOT. This contract will be renewed annually unless cancelled by either the City or the vendor.
Hold public hearing on the following zoning case: Consider the application of Harlan Properties requesting approval of a Detail Plan for approximately 123 townhouses on property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 14-31 for Townhouse Uses.
Hold a public hearing to receive comment on the 2015 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The 2015 Proposed CIP has been available for public inspection in the City’s libraries, in the City Secretary’s Office, and on the City’s Website since February 18, 2015. A public hearing was also held on February 21, 2015.
Consider an ordinance approving the 2015 Capital Improvement Program. On February 17, 2015, Council was presented with the Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for 2015. A public hearing was held on the Proposed CIP on February 21, 2015 and was scheduled for consideration by Council at the March 3, 2015 Work Session.
9. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 10. Council will move into Executive Session 11. Adjourn.