Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions, and Announcements
The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
1. Consider approval of the minutes of the November 3, 2015 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. 138 kV Disconnect Switches for Substations Bid No. 5870-15 Pascor Atlantic, Inc. $500,000.00 This request is to award a Term Contract with four optional renewals for 138 kV disconnect switches to be used in GP&L and TMPA Substations. b. Materials for the GP&L Wylie Switchyard Bid No. 5871-15 DMC Power, Inc. $155,180.27 This request is to provide for the procurement of electrical bus, cables, and ground grid fittings necessary for the construction of the GP&L Wylie Switchyard. c. Steel Structures for the GP&L Lookout Substation Bid No. 5882-15 Techline, Inc. $412,642.00 Optional Contingency 41,264.20 TOTAL $453,906.20 This request is to provide steel structures and related materials to be used in the construction of the GP&L Lookout Substation. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any unforeseen additional materials that may be required. d. Elevated Water Storage Tank Bid No. 5839-15 Landmark Structures $5,133,000.00 This request is to provide site development, fabrication, and erection of a 2.5-million-gallon composite Elevated Potable Water Storage Tank at McCree Road. e. Professional Engineering Services for Duck Creek Bid No. 6007-16 Pipeline Analysis, LLC $150,000.00 This request is to provide professional engineering services to install, calibrate, provide O&M, perform data analysis, and prepare annual wastewater flow monitoring reports for the Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant service area. f. Control Building for the GP&L Lookout Substation Bid No. 5901-15 Electrical Power Products $670,484.00 Optional Contingency 100,572.60 TOTAL $771,056.60 This request is to provide for the procurement of a Control Building with relay panels and landings necessary for the construction of the GP&L Lookout Substation. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any unforeseen additional materials that may be required. g. Aerial Fire Apparatus Bid No. 5998-16 Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. $1,105,294.00 This request is for the purchase of an Aerial Fire Apparatus to be used by the Garland Fire Department in their daily operations. 3. Consider a resolution accepting a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) – Impaired Driving Mobilization (IDM) Grant in the amount of $13,207.43; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept a State of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) – Impaired Driving Mobilization Grant related to Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) enforcement in the amount of $13,207.43 for FY 2015-2016. This item was previously considered at the November 16, 2015 Work Session. 4. Consider a resolution approving the abandonment, release, and conveyance of a portion of property in the James Terrace addition; authorizing the Mayor of the City of Garland to execute a deed conveying the property to Good Samaritans of Garland, Inc.; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor to abandon the State Street extraneous right-of-way and execute a Deed Without Warranty conveying the 4,350 square feet of land to the Good Samaritans of Garland. This item was previously considered at the November 2, 2015 Work Session. 5. Consider a resolution approving and funding a 2015-2016 Cycle 1 Neighborhood Vitality Matching Grant Project. Council is requested to approve a resolution regarding the applications for Neighborhood Vitality Funding. 6. Consider an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Section 25.04, Park Names with the addition of Jeffrey C. Wackett Football Field. Council is requested to approve the recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Board to amend the Code of Ordinances, Section 25.04, Park Names with the addition of Jeffrey C. Wackett Football Field. 7. Consider by minute action the authorization of the City Manager to sign the Grade Crossing Construction Agreement with KCS. Council is requested to approve the authorization to sign the Grade Crossing Construction Agreement with KCS for Shiloh Road from I-635 to Kingsley Road.
Hold public hearings on the following zoning cases: a. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 801 West Avenue B. (File No. DD 15- 01, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of a programmable monument sign on the subject property. b. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 115 South Glenbrook Drive. (File No. DD 15-02, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of a programmable monument sign on the subject property. c. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 801 West Avenue D. (File No. DD 15- 03, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of two programmable freestanding signs on the subject property. d. Consider the application of Best Storage, LLC requesting approval of 1) an amendment of Planned Development (PD) 08-52 for Community Retail uses, 2) a Detail Plan for a Self-Storage and (Indoor) Athletic Events Facility, and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Self-Storage. This property is located at 3159 South Garland Avenue (former Hypermart site only). (File No. 15-26, District 5). (This request was postponed from the November 3, 2015 City Council Meeting) The applicant requests approval of a Concept Plan and a Detail Plan as part of an amendment to Planned Development (PD) 08-52 for Community Retail (CR) to redevelop the former “Hypermart” building with indoor athletic events facility, self-storage and retail/office space. e. Consider the application of John Thomas Engineering requesting approval of 1) a Detail Plan for Automobile Repair, Minor on a property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 98-28 for Community Retail Uses and 2) a variance to Section 2.51 of the Garland Development Code regarding the parking requirement. This property is located on the north side of Campbell Road, approximately 200 feet east of the intersection of West Campbell Road and North Shiloh Road. (File No. 15-35, District 1) The applicant requests approval of the development of a 4,724-square foot Jiffy Lube shop on the subject property. f. Consider the application of The Dimension Group requesting approval of a Detail Plan for Restaurant on property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 13-40 for Community Retail Uses. This property is located southeast of the intersection of West Centerville road and IH-635. (File No. 15-39, District 5) The applicant requests approval of the development of a 5,248 square foot dine-in restaurant on the subject property. g. Consider the application of JHP Architects for ArchCo Residential, LLC requesting approval of a 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 12-13 and 2) a Concept Plan for Multi-Family Uses. This property is located south and west of Bunker Hill Road and north and west of Miles Road. (File No. 15-40, District 1) The applicant is requesting an amendment to the existing Planned Development (PD) District 12-13 and establish a Concept Plan for an apartment complex. A subsequent Detail Plan must be approved prior to any construction.
Ragingwire. Consider a request to waive a required payment to Tree Fund as outlined in the Garland Development Code Chapter 4: Article 4: Tree Preservation & Mitigation.
Hold public hearings on the following zoning cases: a. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 801 West Avenue B. (File No. DD 15- 01, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of a programmable monument sign on the subject property. b. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 115 South Glenbrook Drive. (File No. DD 15-02, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of a programmable monument sign on the subject property. c. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 801 West Avenue D. (File No. DD 15- 03, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of two programmable freestanding signs on the subject property. d. Consider the application of Best Storage, LLC requesting approval of 1) an amendment of Planned Development (PD) 08-52 for Community Retail uses, 2) a Detail Plan for a Self-Storage and (Indoor) Athletic Events Facility, and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Self-Storage. This property is located at 3159 South Garland Avenue (former Hypermart site only). (File No. 15-26, District 5). (This request was postponed from the November 3, 2015 City Council Meeting) The applicant requests approval of a Concept Plan and a Detail Plan as part of an amendment to Planned Development (PD) 08-52 for Community Retail (CR) to redevelop the former “Hypermart” building with indoor athletic events facility, self-storage and retail/office space. e. Consider the application of John Thomas Engineering requesting approval of 1) a Detail Plan for Automobile Repair, Minor on a property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 98-28 for Community Retail Uses and 2) a variance to Section 2.51 of the Garland Development Code regarding the parking requirement. This property is located on the north side of Campbell Road, approximately 200 feet east of the intersection of West Campbell Road and North Shiloh Road. (File No. 15-35, District 1) The applicant requests approval of the development of a 4,724-square foot Jiffy Lube shop on the subject property. f. Consider the application of The Dimension Group requesting approval of a Detail Plan for Restaurant on property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 13-40 for Community Retail Uses. This property is located southeast of the intersection of West Centerville road and IH-635. (File No. 15-39, District 5) The applicant requests approval of the development of a 5,248 square foot dine-in restaurant on the subject property. g. Consider the application of JHP Architects for ArchCo Residential, LLC requesting approval of a 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 12-13 and 2) a Concept Plan for Multi-Family Uses. This property is located south and west of Bunker Hill Road and north and west of Miles Road. (File No. 15-40, District 1) The applicant is requesting an amendment to the existing Planned Development (PD) District 12-13 and establish a Concept Plan for an apartment complex. A subsequent Detail Plan must be approved prior to any construction.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions. Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. Mayor Douglas Athas • Jennifer Nguyen – Community Multicultural Commission • Ali Said – Community Multicultural Commission
11. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 12. Adjourn.
Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions, and Announcements
The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
1. Consider approval of the minutes of the November 3, 2015 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. 138 kV Disconnect Switches for Substations Bid No. 5870-15 Pascor Atlantic, Inc. $500,000.00 This request is to award a Term Contract with four optional renewals for 138 kV disconnect switches to be used in GP&L and TMPA Substations. b. Materials for the GP&L Wylie Switchyard Bid No. 5871-15 DMC Power, Inc. $155,180.27 This request is to provide for the procurement of electrical bus, cables, and ground grid fittings necessary for the construction of the GP&L Wylie Switchyard. c. Steel Structures for the GP&L Lookout Substation Bid No. 5882-15 Techline, Inc. $412,642.00 Optional Contingency 41,264.20 TOTAL $453,906.20 This request is to provide steel structures and related materials to be used in the construction of the GP&L Lookout Substation. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any unforeseen additional materials that may be required. d. Elevated Water Storage Tank Bid No. 5839-15 Landmark Structures $5,133,000.00 This request is to provide site development, fabrication, and erection of a 2.5-million-gallon composite Elevated Potable Water Storage Tank at McCree Road. e. Professional Engineering Services for Duck Creek Bid No. 6007-16 Pipeline Analysis, LLC $150,000.00 This request is to provide professional engineering services to install, calibrate, provide O&M, perform data analysis, and prepare annual wastewater flow monitoring reports for the Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant service area. f. Control Building for the GP&L Lookout Substation Bid No. 5901-15 Electrical Power Products $670,484.00 Optional Contingency 100,572.60 TOTAL $771,056.60 This request is to provide for the procurement of a Control Building with relay panels and landings necessary for the construction of the GP&L Lookout Substation. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any unforeseen additional materials that may be required. g. Aerial Fire Apparatus Bid No. 5998-16 Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. $1,105,294.00 This request is for the purchase of an Aerial Fire Apparatus to be used by the Garland Fire Department in their daily operations. 3. Consider a resolution accepting a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) – Impaired Driving Mobilization (IDM) Grant in the amount of $13,207.43; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept a State of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) – Impaired Driving Mobilization Grant related to Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) enforcement in the amount of $13,207.43 for FY 2015-2016. This item was previously considered at the November 16, 2015 Work Session. 4. Consider a resolution approving the abandonment, release, and conveyance of a portion of property in the James Terrace addition; authorizing the Mayor of the City of Garland to execute a deed conveying the property to Good Samaritans of Garland, Inc.; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor to abandon the State Street extraneous right-of-way and execute a Deed Without Warranty conveying the 4,350 square feet of land to the Good Samaritans of Garland. This item was previously considered at the November 2, 2015 Work Session. 5. Consider a resolution approving and funding a 2015-2016 Cycle 1 Neighborhood Vitality Matching Grant Project. Council is requested to approve a resolution regarding the applications for Neighborhood Vitality Funding. 6. Consider an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Section 25.04, Park Names with the addition of Jeffrey C. Wackett Football Field. Council is requested to approve the recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Board to amend the Code of Ordinances, Section 25.04, Park Names with the addition of Jeffrey C. Wackett Football Field. 7. Consider by minute action the authorization of the City Manager to sign the Grade Crossing Construction Agreement with KCS. Council is requested to approve the authorization to sign the Grade Crossing Construction Agreement with KCS for Shiloh Road from I-635 to Kingsley Road.
Hold public hearings on the following zoning cases: a. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 801 West Avenue B. (File No. DD 15- 01, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of a programmable monument sign on the subject property. b. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 115 South Glenbrook Drive. (File No. DD 15-02, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of a programmable monument sign on the subject property. c. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 801 West Avenue D. (File No. DD 15- 03, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of two programmable freestanding signs on the subject property. d. Consider the application of Best Storage, LLC requesting approval of 1) an amendment of Planned Development (PD) 08-52 for Community Retail uses, 2) a Detail Plan for a Self-Storage and (Indoor) Athletic Events Facility, and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Self-Storage. This property is located at 3159 South Garland Avenue (former Hypermart site only). (File No. 15-26, District 5). (This request was postponed from the November 3, 2015 City Council Meeting) The applicant requests approval of a Concept Plan and a Detail Plan as part of an amendment to Planned Development (PD) 08-52 for Community Retail (CR) to redevelop the former “Hypermart” building with indoor athletic events facility, self-storage and retail/office space. e. Consider the application of John Thomas Engineering requesting approval of 1) a Detail Plan for Automobile Repair, Minor on a property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 98-28 for Community Retail Uses and 2) a variance to Section 2.51 of the Garland Development Code regarding the parking requirement. This property is located on the north side of Campbell Road, approximately 200 feet east of the intersection of West Campbell Road and North Shiloh Road. (File No. 15-35, District 1) The applicant requests approval of the development of a 4,724-square foot Jiffy Lube shop on the subject property. f. Consider the application of The Dimension Group requesting approval of a Detail Plan for Restaurant on property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 13-40 for Community Retail Uses. This property is located southeast of the intersection of West Centerville road and IH-635. (File No. 15-39, District 5) The applicant requests approval of the development of a 5,248 square foot dine-in restaurant on the subject property. g. Consider the application of JHP Architects for ArchCo Residential, LLC requesting approval of a 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 12-13 and 2) a Concept Plan for Multi-Family Uses. This property is located south and west of Bunker Hill Road and north and west of Miles Road. (File No. 15-40, District 1) The applicant is requesting an amendment to the existing Planned Development (PD) District 12-13 and establish a Concept Plan for an apartment complex. A subsequent Detail Plan must be approved prior to any construction.
Ragingwire. Consider a request to waive a required payment to Tree Fund as outlined in the Garland Development Code Chapter 4: Article 4: Tree Preservation & Mitigation.
Hold public hearings on the following zoning cases: a. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 801 West Avenue B. (File No. DD 15- 01, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of a programmable monument sign on the subject property. b. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 115 South Glenbrook Drive. (File No. DD 15-02, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of a programmable monument sign on the subject property. c. Consider the application of Datatronic Control, Inc. requesting approval of a Downtown Development Plan – Major Waiver regarding freestanding programmable signage (Section 7.24(B)(2)(b) of the Garland Development Code) on a property zoned Downtown (DT) District. This property is located at 801 West Avenue D. (File No. DD 15- 03, District 2) The applicant requests a major waiver to the Downtown District standards to allow construction of two programmable freestanding signs on the subject property. d. Consider the application of Best Storage, LLC requesting approval of 1) an amendment of Planned Development (PD) 08-52 for Community Retail uses, 2) a Detail Plan for a Self-Storage and (Indoor) Athletic Events Facility, and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Self-Storage. This property is located at 3159 South Garland Avenue (former Hypermart site only). (File No. 15-26, District 5). (This request was postponed from the November 3, 2015 City Council Meeting) The applicant requests approval of a Concept Plan and a Detail Plan as part of an amendment to Planned Development (PD) 08-52 for Community Retail (CR) to redevelop the former “Hypermart” building with indoor athletic events facility, self-storage and retail/office space. e. Consider the application of John Thomas Engineering requesting approval of 1) a Detail Plan for Automobile Repair, Minor on a property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 98-28 for Community Retail Uses and 2) a variance to Section 2.51 of the Garland Development Code regarding the parking requirement. This property is located on the north side of Campbell Road, approximately 200 feet east of the intersection of West Campbell Road and North Shiloh Road. (File No. 15-35, District 1) The applicant requests approval of the development of a 4,724-square foot Jiffy Lube shop on the subject property. f. Consider the application of The Dimension Group requesting approval of a Detail Plan for Restaurant on property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 13-40 for Community Retail Uses. This property is located southeast of the intersection of West Centerville road and IH-635. (File No. 15-39, District 5) The applicant requests approval of the development of a 5,248 square foot dine-in restaurant on the subject property. g. Consider the application of JHP Architects for ArchCo Residential, LLC requesting approval of a 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 12-13 and 2) a Concept Plan for Multi-Family Uses. This property is located south and west of Bunker Hill Road and north and west of Miles Road. (File No. 15-40, District 1) The applicant is requesting an amendment to the existing Planned Development (PD) District 12-13 and establish a Concept Plan for an apartment complex. A subsequent Detail Plan must be approved prior to any construction.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions. Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. Mayor Douglas Athas • Jennifer Nguyen – Community Multicultural Commission • Ali Said – Community Multicultural Commission
11. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 12. Adjourn.