REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL City of Garland Duckworth Building, Goldie Locke Room 217 North Fifth Street Garland, Texas May 17, 2016 7:00 p.m
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions and Announcements
MAYORAL PROCLAMATIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
CONSENT AGENDA All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has been briefed on these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the May 3, 2016 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Various EWS and Landfill Trucks and Equipment Bid No. 6537-16 Ft. Worth Freightliner $347,289.00 Bond Equipment $1,371,058.00 Chastang Forg $319,214.00 Heil of Texas $1,211,533.00 Freightliner of Austin $136,344.00 Four Bros. Outdoor Power $74,088.00 Holt Caterpillar $1,054,090.00 TOTAL $4,513,616.00 This request is to purchase eighteen replacement trucks and pieces of equipment to be used by Environmental Waste Services and the Landfill in their daily operations. Printed Agenda 2 of 7 5/16/2016 10:56 AM b. Image Promotion Strategy Bid No. 6356-16 Tucker & Associates Public Relations $158,980.00 The responding public relations, communications, and consulting firms were evaluated based on published selection criteria and references were checked. Tucker & Associates Public Relations and its sub-consulting team was selected as the most qualified respondent for the Image Promotion Strategy. c. 2016 Water Department Replacement Computers Bid No. 6512-16 Dell $142,893.13 This request is to support the replacement of aging Information Technology equipment at the Water Department. d. Engineering Services for GP&L Lookout / Raging Wire Substation Bid No. 6561-16 R-Delta Engineers $107,700.00 Optional Contingency $10,770.00 TOTAL $118,470.00 This request is to provide engineering services for the GP&L Lookout Raging Wire Substation. An Optional Contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. e. Caterpillar Motor Grader for Street Department Bid No. 6538-16 Holt Caterpillar $318,484.00 This request is to purchase one Caterpillar Motor Grader to be used by the Street Department for their daily operations. f. Bridge Repairs Bid No. 6076-16 Binkley & Bardfield C&P, Inc. $96,000.00 This request is to provide additional design services to the bridge repair contract approved at the December 15, 2015 City Council Meeting. Printed Agenda 3 of 7 5/16/2016 10:56 AM g. Brush Trailer Bid No. 6501-16 Texoma MFG., LLC $103,750.00 This request is to purchase three Brush Trailers to be utilized by Environmental Waste Services in their daily operations. h. GP&L Wylie Switchyard Substation Construction Bid No. 6293-16 Front Line Power Construction $1,245,538.80 This request is for the substation construction of the GP&L Wylie Switchyard. i. GP&L Substation Instrument Transformers & Surge Arrestors Bid No. 6441-16 ABB, Inc. $950,000.00 This request is to provide for the purchase of as-needed instrument transformers and surge arrestors for use in GP&L Substations. This will be a term contract with four optional renewals. j. Bradfield Swimming Pool Repair Bid No. 6259-16 Sunbelt Pools, Inc. $103,991.20 This request is to provide additional necessary Swimming Pool Repairs for Bradfield Park. k. GP&L Emergency Retrofit of Generators Bid No. 6564-16 Power Generation Services $247,000.00 This request is to provide emergency retrofit of generators at Broadway, Firewheel, Wallace, and Duck Creek to bring them into compliance with the recent D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decision concerning the local environmental generator regulator (TCEQ) and reporting requirements for the EPA compliant operation of generators. Printed Agenda 4 of 7 5/16/2016 10:56 AM l. Professional Engineering Services Bid No. 4693-16 R-Delta Engineers $159,220.00 Optional Contingency $10,000.00 TOTAL $169,220.00 This request is to provide additional engineering services to accommodate a change in design scope requested by GP&L for replacing all existing transmission structures in order to rebuild the transmission line instead of reconductoring the line as was indicated in the original scope of work. 3. A public hearing was previously conducted for the following zoning case. Council approved the request and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinance for consideration. a. Zoning File No. Z 16-09, Asm Ferozur Rahman Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas by approving a Specific Use Provision for fuel pumps, retail on a 0.774-acre tract zoned Community Retail (CR) District and located at 775 West Buckingham Road; providing for conditions, restrictions, and regulations; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a savings clause and a severability clause; and providing an effective date. 4. Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 30, "Building Inspection," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. The City Council is being asked to consider changing the City's ordinances regarding the display of addresses on the rear of residential properties. Currently, rear address numbers are required on virtually all residential properties. Address numbers are important for several reasons, including public safety, but are not necessarily useful if the rear of the property has no meaningful access. Rather than a categorical requirement, the proposed ordinance will require rear addresses on residences where (1) the owner has maintenance responsibilities at the rear of the residential property; and (2) where required for public safety purposes. 5. Consider a resolution adopting and approving the Consolidated Plan and One Year Plan of Action for the 2016/2017 Community Development Block Grant, Home Investment Partnership and, Emergency Solutions Grant Programs; and approving an effective date. At the April 5, 2016 Regular Meeting, Council conducted a public hearing to receive comment on the 2016-2017 CDBG, HOME and ESG Funding. Council is requested to adopt the resolution adopting and approving the 2016-2017 CDBG, HOME and ESG Funding. Printed Agenda 5 of 7 5/16/2016 10:56 AM 6. Consider an ordinance creating a tax-exempt variable rate direct drawdown loan with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. At the February 29, 2016 Work Session, Council directed staff to proceed with acquiring interim financing for the construction of the City's portion of the Houston Import Project. Wells Fargo, N.A. was selected, through a competitive RFP process, to provide interim funding. 7. Consider a resolution approving and funding a 2014-2015 Cycle 2 Neighborhood Vitality Matching Grant Project. At the May 3, 2016 Work Session, Council was briefed regarding the proposed updates to the Neighborhood Vitality Matching Grants. 8. Consider by minute action the appointment of a City of Garland representative to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board of Directors. At the May 16, 2016 Work Session, Council was scheduled to interview the candidate interested in being appointed as the City of Garland's representative to the North Texas Municipal Water District for a two-year term beginning June 1, 2016.
Conduct the swearing in of Council Members
Conduct the swearing in of Council Members for Districts 1, 2, 4 and 5.
Hold public hearings on the following zoning cases: a. Consider the application of OM Housing, LLC requesting approval of a 1) amended Concept Plan and Planned Development (PD) and 2) a Detail Plan for Multi-Family on property zoned Planned Development (PD) 11-32 for Multi-Family and Community Retail Uses. This property is located north of Marketplace Drive and West of Saturn Road. (This case was postponed from the May 3, 2016 City Council Meeting) (File No. Z 16-01, District 5) . The applicant requested that this zoning case be postponed until the June 7, 2016 Regular Meeting. This request is to amend Planned Development (PD) 11-32, amend the Concept Plan and establish a Detail Plan for the development of a 262-unit apartment complex. The Detail Plan will establish a future commercial site.
Consider the application of Masterplan, requesting approval of 1) a zoning change from Industrial (IN) District to Planned Development (PD) District for Industrial Uses including Retail Store, 2) a Detail Plan for Convenience Store; Fuel Pumps, Retail; Retail Store; Restaurant, Drive-Through and Car Wash, Automated/Rollover, and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Restaurant, Drive- Through. This property is located at the northeast corner of West Miller Road and South Jupiter Road. (File No. Z 16-10, District 6) The applicant proposes to develop this tract of land with a multi-tenant building with a convenience store, retail and a restaurant with a drive-through. Additionally, the site will be developed with fuel pumps for the sale of fuel for motor vehicle cars including commercial trucks and an automated car wash structure.
10. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 11. Adjourn. All Regular Council meetings are broadcast live on CGTV, Time Warner Cable Channel 16, and Verizon FIOS TV 44. Meetings are rebroadcast at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday-Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Live streaming and on-demand videos of the meetings are also available online at Copies of the meetings can be purchased through the City Secretary’s Office – audio CD’s are $1 each and DVD’s are $3 each.
REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL City of Garland Duckworth Building, Goldie Locke Room 217 North Fifth Street Garland, Texas May 17, 2016 7:00 p.m
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions and Announcements
MAYORAL PROCLAMATIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
CONSENT AGENDA All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has been briefed on these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the May 3, 2016 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Various EWS and Landfill Trucks and Equipment Bid No. 6537-16 Ft. Worth Freightliner $347,289.00 Bond Equipment $1,371,058.00 Chastang Forg $319,214.00 Heil of Texas $1,211,533.00 Freightliner of Austin $136,344.00 Four Bros. Outdoor Power $74,088.00 Holt Caterpillar $1,054,090.00 TOTAL $4,513,616.00 This request is to purchase eighteen replacement trucks and pieces of equipment to be used by Environmental Waste Services and the Landfill in their daily operations. Printed Agenda 2 of 7 5/16/2016 10:56 AM b. Image Promotion Strategy Bid No. 6356-16 Tucker & Associates Public Relations $158,980.00 The responding public relations, communications, and consulting firms were evaluated based on published selection criteria and references were checked. Tucker & Associates Public Relations and its sub-consulting team was selected as the most qualified respondent for the Image Promotion Strategy. c. 2016 Water Department Replacement Computers Bid No. 6512-16 Dell $142,893.13 This request is to support the replacement of aging Information Technology equipment at the Water Department. d. Engineering Services for GP&L Lookout / Raging Wire Substation Bid No. 6561-16 R-Delta Engineers $107,700.00 Optional Contingency $10,770.00 TOTAL $118,470.00 This request is to provide engineering services for the GP&L Lookout Raging Wire Substation. An Optional Contingency is included for any unforeseen additional work that may be required. e. Caterpillar Motor Grader for Street Department Bid No. 6538-16 Holt Caterpillar $318,484.00 This request is to purchase one Caterpillar Motor Grader to be used by the Street Department for their daily operations. f. Bridge Repairs Bid No. 6076-16 Binkley & Bardfield C&P, Inc. $96,000.00 This request is to provide additional design services to the bridge repair contract approved at the December 15, 2015 City Council Meeting. Printed Agenda 3 of 7 5/16/2016 10:56 AM g. Brush Trailer Bid No. 6501-16 Texoma MFG., LLC $103,750.00 This request is to purchase three Brush Trailers to be utilized by Environmental Waste Services in their daily operations. h. GP&L Wylie Switchyard Substation Construction Bid No. 6293-16 Front Line Power Construction $1,245,538.80 This request is for the substation construction of the GP&L Wylie Switchyard. i. GP&L Substation Instrument Transformers & Surge Arrestors Bid No. 6441-16 ABB, Inc. $950,000.00 This request is to provide for the purchase of as-needed instrument transformers and surge arrestors for use in GP&L Substations. This will be a term contract with four optional renewals. j. Bradfield Swimming Pool Repair Bid No. 6259-16 Sunbelt Pools, Inc. $103,991.20 This request is to provide additional necessary Swimming Pool Repairs for Bradfield Park. k. GP&L Emergency Retrofit of Generators Bid No. 6564-16 Power Generation Services $247,000.00 This request is to provide emergency retrofit of generators at Broadway, Firewheel, Wallace, and Duck Creek to bring them into compliance with the recent D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decision concerning the local environmental generator regulator (TCEQ) and reporting requirements for the EPA compliant operation of generators. Printed Agenda 4 of 7 5/16/2016 10:56 AM l. Professional Engineering Services Bid No. 4693-16 R-Delta Engineers $159,220.00 Optional Contingency $10,000.00 TOTAL $169,220.00 This request is to provide additional engineering services to accommodate a change in design scope requested by GP&L for replacing all existing transmission structures in order to rebuild the transmission line instead of reconductoring the line as was indicated in the original scope of work. 3. A public hearing was previously conducted for the following zoning case. Council approved the request and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinance for consideration. a. Zoning File No. Z 16-09, Asm Ferozur Rahman Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas by approving a Specific Use Provision for fuel pumps, retail on a 0.774-acre tract zoned Community Retail (CR) District and located at 775 West Buckingham Road; providing for conditions, restrictions, and regulations; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a savings clause and a severability clause; and providing an effective date. 4. Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 30, "Building Inspection," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. The City Council is being asked to consider changing the City's ordinances regarding the display of addresses on the rear of residential properties. Currently, rear address numbers are required on virtually all residential properties. Address numbers are important for several reasons, including public safety, but are not necessarily useful if the rear of the property has no meaningful access. Rather than a categorical requirement, the proposed ordinance will require rear addresses on residences where (1) the owner has maintenance responsibilities at the rear of the residential property; and (2) where required for public safety purposes. 5. Consider a resolution adopting and approving the Consolidated Plan and One Year Plan of Action for the 2016/2017 Community Development Block Grant, Home Investment Partnership and, Emergency Solutions Grant Programs; and approving an effective date. At the April 5, 2016 Regular Meeting, Council conducted a public hearing to receive comment on the 2016-2017 CDBG, HOME and ESG Funding. Council is requested to adopt the resolution adopting and approving the 2016-2017 CDBG, HOME and ESG Funding. Printed Agenda 5 of 7 5/16/2016 10:56 AM 6. Consider an ordinance creating a tax-exempt variable rate direct drawdown loan with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. At the February 29, 2016 Work Session, Council directed staff to proceed with acquiring interim financing for the construction of the City's portion of the Houston Import Project. Wells Fargo, N.A. was selected, through a competitive RFP process, to provide interim funding. 7. Consider a resolution approving and funding a 2014-2015 Cycle 2 Neighborhood Vitality Matching Grant Project. At the May 3, 2016 Work Session, Council was briefed regarding the proposed updates to the Neighborhood Vitality Matching Grants. 8. Consider by minute action the appointment of a City of Garland representative to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board of Directors. At the May 16, 2016 Work Session, Council was scheduled to interview the candidate interested in being appointed as the City of Garland's representative to the North Texas Municipal Water District for a two-year term beginning June 1, 2016.
Conduct the swearing in of Council Members
Conduct the swearing in of Council Members for Districts 1, 2, 4 and 5.
Hold public hearings on the following zoning cases: a. Consider the application of OM Housing, LLC requesting approval of a 1) amended Concept Plan and Planned Development (PD) and 2) a Detail Plan for Multi-Family on property zoned Planned Development (PD) 11-32 for Multi-Family and Community Retail Uses. This property is located north of Marketplace Drive and West of Saturn Road. (This case was postponed from the May 3, 2016 City Council Meeting) (File No. Z 16-01, District 5) . The applicant requested that this zoning case be postponed until the June 7, 2016 Regular Meeting. This request is to amend Planned Development (PD) 11-32, amend the Concept Plan and establish a Detail Plan for the development of a 262-unit apartment complex. The Detail Plan will establish a future commercial site.
Consider the application of Masterplan, requesting approval of 1) a zoning change from Industrial (IN) District to Planned Development (PD) District for Industrial Uses including Retail Store, 2) a Detail Plan for Convenience Store; Fuel Pumps, Retail; Retail Store; Restaurant, Drive-Through and Car Wash, Automated/Rollover, and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Restaurant, Drive- Through. This property is located at the northeast corner of West Miller Road and South Jupiter Road. (File No. Z 16-10, District 6) The applicant proposes to develop this tract of land with a multi-tenant building with a convenience store, retail and a restaurant with a drive-through. Additionally, the site will be developed with fuel pumps for the sale of fuel for motor vehicle cars including commercial trucks and an automated car wash structure.
10. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 11. Adjourn. All Regular Council meetings are broadcast live on CGTV, Time Warner Cable Channel 16, and Verizon FIOS TV 44. Meetings are rebroadcast at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday-Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Live streaming and on-demand videos of the meetings are also available online at Copies of the meetings can be purchased through the City Secretary’s Office – audio CD’s are $1 each and DVD’s are $3 each.