LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions and Announcements
The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of Item 9 minutes from the September 18, 2017 Work Session Meeting and minutes from the September 19, 2017 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Wylie-Firewheel Transmission Line Reconstruction Bid No. 4515-14 R-Delta Engineers $51,500.00 The purpose of this Change Order to the Wylie-Firewheel Transmission Line Reconstruction project is to incorporate a second 138 kV circuit in the 2.58-mile line section between the Ben Davis and Firewheel Substations. b. Ambulance Body Remounts Bid No. 1153-17 Frazer, Ltd. $220,950.00 This request is to have two existing ambulance bodies refurbished and remounted onto two existing cab and chassis for the Fire Department’s use in their daily operations. c. Condor Bucket Truck Bid No. 1136-17 Freightliner of Austin $533,690.00 This request is to purchase a Condor Bucket Truck to be used by GP&L's Transmission Division in their daily operations. 3. Consider a resolution agreeing to the sale of certain property located within the City of Garland and owned by taxing authorities including the City of Garland as the result of a tax sale; authorizing the Mayor to execute a deed without warranty; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to consider accepting the offer with an executed deed without warranty. This property was struck-off to the City of Garland in 1994 and pursuant to section 34.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code may be resold to a private entity with the approval of the governing body. 4. Consider an ordinance amending the tax roll of the City of Garland, Texas and providing an effective date. At the September 5, 2017 City Council Work Session, Council was briefed on the annual amendment to the tax roll. The amendment to the roll is supported by City Charter Article IX, Section 3 and the Texas Property Code Section 33.05. If approved the amendment will remove $83,540.99 of uncollectible tax debt from the roll. Amendment of the tax roll is necessary in order to meet generally accepted accounting principles, avoid overstating accounts receivables and avoid the potential risk of an unfavorable audit opinion. 5. Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 33, "Transportation," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a savings clause and a severability clause; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to consider establishing and revising speed limits on the frontage road of IH 635. 6. Consider by minute action approving an extension of injury leave for Firefighter/Paramedic Jeremy Sanford for up to 12 additional months if medically necessary. Firefighter/Paramedic Jeremy Sanford was injured while fighting a fire on the third floor at the Kingsley Inn and Suites on October 13, 2016. He has been off work since October 22, 2016. He suffered his injury when the balcony ceiling fell on him. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Chapter 143.073 paragraph (a), a municipality shall provide a leave of absence with full pay for a period commensurate with the line of duty injury. And the leave shall continue for at least one year if necessary. Chapter 143.073 paragraph (b) allows the governing body to extend the leave for an additional year at full or partial pay. Council is being asked to extend Firefighter/Paramedic Jeremy Sanford injury leave for a period of up to one more year if medically necessary at full pay.
Hold a Public Hearing Regarding Additional Uses at Central Park Such As: Dog Park, Skate Park, Makerspace A public hearing will be held regarding additional uses at Central Park such as: dog park, skate park, Makerspace.
Hold a Public Hearing Regarding Additional Uses at Central Park Such As: Dog Park, Skate Park, Makerspace A public hearing will be held regarding additional uses at Central Park such as: dog park, skate park, Makerspace.
Consider and Approve Consultant Agreement for Dog and Skate Park in Central Park Council is requested to approve the agreement with Pacheco Koch as submitted and proceed with design for the projects.
Request for Development Assistance from HIP Shiloh Road, LLC Council is requested to consider a development incentive request from HIP Shiloh Road, LLC for a partial rebate of applicable development fees required of a proposed new commercial project.
Request for Development Assistance from CPF Jupiter JV, LLC Council is requested to consider an incentive request from CPF Jupiter JV, LLC for a partial rebate of applicable development fees required of a proposed industrial redevelopment project.
Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD) Board of Directors Nomination Council is requested to nominate a candidate via the attached resolution. Nomination must be passed by resolution at the October 2nd meeting in order to meet the statutory deadline of October 15th.
Hold public hearings on: a. Consider the application of Ali & Kabani Corporation, d/b/a Dash-In Grocery, requesting approval of a variance to Chapter 2, Article 5, Section 2.55(A) of the Garland Development Code regarding the distance to a church, public school, or public hospital from an establishment that sells or serves alcoholic beverages. This property is located at 2445 Goldfinch Lane. (File No. BW 17-03, District 8) BEING described as a part of Reserved Tract, Block K, Meadowlark Estates 2, Thomas Burris Survey, an addition to the City of Garland, as recorded in Instrument No. 109121, of the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas and containing approximately 0.299 acres. The property is located at 2445 Goldfinch Lane. Due to a change in ownership, the applicant representing Dash-In Grocery requests approval of a variance to reduce the required distance of 300 feet to a church from an establishment that sells or serves alcoholic beverages.
Consider the application of Wilbow Corporation, requesting approval of 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 15-41; 2) an amended Concept Plan; and 3) a Detail Plan for Single-Family-5 (Detached) Uses and Single-Family (Attached) Uses on property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 15-41 for Single-Family-5 (Detached), Single-Family (Attached), Neighborhood Office (NO), and Neighborhood Services (NS) Uses. This property is located at 2646 West Buckingham Road and 1301 North Shiloh Road. (File No. Z 17-37, District 6) BEING All that certain tract or parcel of land being situated in the Levi Turner Survey, Abstract No. 1487, City of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, and being: All of the remainder of a called 49.862-acre tract conveyed to Marilyn Wyrick Ingram (an undivided 1/2 interest) and Phyllis Wyrick Patterson (an undivided 1/2 interest) as evidenced by Executor’s Deed recorded in Volume 2001152, Page 1851, Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being the same as the remainder of a called 53-5/12 acre tract described as “FIRST TRACT” in the Warranty Deed to Maydell C. Wyrick recorded in Volume 4208, Page 281, said Deed Records, And all of the remainder of a called 50-acre tract conveyed to Marilyn Wyrick Ingram (an undivided 1/2 interest) and Phyllis Wyrick Patterson (an undivided 1/2 interest) as evidenced by Gift Deeds recorded in Volume 90169, Page 3886, and in Volume 91039, Page 1335, said Deed Records, and being the same as the remainder of a called 53-2/3 acre tract described as “SECOND TRACT” in the Warranty Deed to Maydell C. Wyrick recorded in Volume 4208, Page 281, said Deed Records, And all of the portion of the 60 foot wide Old Shiloh Road right-of-way abandoned by City of Garland Ordinance No. 2294. This property is located at 2646 West Buckingham Road and 1301 North Shiloh Road. Approval of the request will allow the development of a subdivision with Single-Family (Detached) dwelling units, and Townhouse (Attached) dwelling units. A subsequent Detail Plan must be approved prior to development of the commercial portion of the overall Planned Development property.
13. Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions. Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. Mayor Douglas Athas Bao Vinh - Plan Commission Council Member Robert Vera Wayne Dalton - TIF South/I-30 Board 14. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 15. Adjourn.
LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions and Announcements
The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of Item 9 minutes from the September 18, 2017 Work Session Meeting and minutes from the September 19, 2017 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Wylie-Firewheel Transmission Line Reconstruction Bid No. 4515-14 R-Delta Engineers $51,500.00 The purpose of this Change Order to the Wylie-Firewheel Transmission Line Reconstruction project is to incorporate a second 138 kV circuit in the 2.58-mile line section between the Ben Davis and Firewheel Substations. b. Ambulance Body Remounts Bid No. 1153-17 Frazer, Ltd. $220,950.00 This request is to have two existing ambulance bodies refurbished and remounted onto two existing cab and chassis for the Fire Department’s use in their daily operations. c. Condor Bucket Truck Bid No. 1136-17 Freightliner of Austin $533,690.00 This request is to purchase a Condor Bucket Truck to be used by GP&L's Transmission Division in their daily operations. 3. Consider a resolution agreeing to the sale of certain property located within the City of Garland and owned by taxing authorities including the City of Garland as the result of a tax sale; authorizing the Mayor to execute a deed without warranty; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to consider accepting the offer with an executed deed without warranty. This property was struck-off to the City of Garland in 1994 and pursuant to section 34.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code may be resold to a private entity with the approval of the governing body. 4. Consider an ordinance amending the tax roll of the City of Garland, Texas and providing an effective date. At the September 5, 2017 City Council Work Session, Council was briefed on the annual amendment to the tax roll. The amendment to the roll is supported by City Charter Article IX, Section 3 and the Texas Property Code Section 33.05. If approved the amendment will remove $83,540.99 of uncollectible tax debt from the roll. Amendment of the tax roll is necessary in order to meet generally accepted accounting principles, avoid overstating accounts receivables and avoid the potential risk of an unfavorable audit opinion. 5. Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 33, "Transportation," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a savings clause and a severability clause; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to consider establishing and revising speed limits on the frontage road of IH 635. 6. Consider by minute action approving an extension of injury leave for Firefighter/Paramedic Jeremy Sanford for up to 12 additional months if medically necessary. Firefighter/Paramedic Jeremy Sanford was injured while fighting a fire on the third floor at the Kingsley Inn and Suites on October 13, 2016. He has been off work since October 22, 2016. He suffered his injury when the balcony ceiling fell on him. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Chapter 143.073 paragraph (a), a municipality shall provide a leave of absence with full pay for a period commensurate with the line of duty injury. And the leave shall continue for at least one year if necessary. Chapter 143.073 paragraph (b) allows the governing body to extend the leave for an additional year at full or partial pay. Council is being asked to extend Firefighter/Paramedic Jeremy Sanford injury leave for a period of up to one more year if medically necessary at full pay.
Hold a Public Hearing Regarding Additional Uses at Central Park Such As: Dog Park, Skate Park, Makerspace A public hearing will be held regarding additional uses at Central Park such as: dog park, skate park, Makerspace.
Hold a Public Hearing Regarding Additional Uses at Central Park Such As: Dog Park, Skate Park, Makerspace A public hearing will be held regarding additional uses at Central Park such as: dog park, skate park, Makerspace.
Consider and Approve Consultant Agreement for Dog and Skate Park in Central Park Council is requested to approve the agreement with Pacheco Koch as submitted and proceed with design for the projects.
Request for Development Assistance from HIP Shiloh Road, LLC Council is requested to consider a development incentive request from HIP Shiloh Road, LLC for a partial rebate of applicable development fees required of a proposed new commercial project.
Request for Development Assistance from CPF Jupiter JV, LLC Council is requested to consider an incentive request from CPF Jupiter JV, LLC for a partial rebate of applicable development fees required of a proposed industrial redevelopment project.
Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD) Board of Directors Nomination Council is requested to nominate a candidate via the attached resolution. Nomination must be passed by resolution at the October 2nd meeting in order to meet the statutory deadline of October 15th.
Hold public hearings on: a. Consider the application of Ali & Kabani Corporation, d/b/a Dash-In Grocery, requesting approval of a variance to Chapter 2, Article 5, Section 2.55(A) of the Garland Development Code regarding the distance to a church, public school, or public hospital from an establishment that sells or serves alcoholic beverages. This property is located at 2445 Goldfinch Lane. (File No. BW 17-03, District 8) BEING described as a part of Reserved Tract, Block K, Meadowlark Estates 2, Thomas Burris Survey, an addition to the City of Garland, as recorded in Instrument No. 109121, of the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas and containing approximately 0.299 acres. The property is located at 2445 Goldfinch Lane. Due to a change in ownership, the applicant representing Dash-In Grocery requests approval of a variance to reduce the required distance of 300 feet to a church from an establishment that sells or serves alcoholic beverages.
Consider the application of Wilbow Corporation, requesting approval of 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 15-41; 2) an amended Concept Plan; and 3) a Detail Plan for Single-Family-5 (Detached) Uses and Single-Family (Attached) Uses on property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 15-41 for Single-Family-5 (Detached), Single-Family (Attached), Neighborhood Office (NO), and Neighborhood Services (NS) Uses. This property is located at 2646 West Buckingham Road and 1301 North Shiloh Road. (File No. Z 17-37, District 6) BEING All that certain tract or parcel of land being situated in the Levi Turner Survey, Abstract No. 1487, City of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, and being: All of the remainder of a called 49.862-acre tract conveyed to Marilyn Wyrick Ingram (an undivided 1/2 interest) and Phyllis Wyrick Patterson (an undivided 1/2 interest) as evidenced by Executor’s Deed recorded in Volume 2001152, Page 1851, Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being the same as the remainder of a called 53-5/12 acre tract described as “FIRST TRACT” in the Warranty Deed to Maydell C. Wyrick recorded in Volume 4208, Page 281, said Deed Records, And all of the remainder of a called 50-acre tract conveyed to Marilyn Wyrick Ingram (an undivided 1/2 interest) and Phyllis Wyrick Patterson (an undivided 1/2 interest) as evidenced by Gift Deeds recorded in Volume 90169, Page 3886, and in Volume 91039, Page 1335, said Deed Records, and being the same as the remainder of a called 53-2/3 acre tract described as “SECOND TRACT” in the Warranty Deed to Maydell C. Wyrick recorded in Volume 4208, Page 281, said Deed Records, And all of the portion of the 60 foot wide Old Shiloh Road right-of-way abandoned by City of Garland Ordinance No. 2294. This property is located at 2646 West Buckingham Road and 1301 North Shiloh Road. Approval of the request will allow the development of a subdivision with Single-Family (Detached) dwelling units, and Townhouse (Attached) dwelling units. A subsequent Detail Plan must be approved prior to development of the commercial portion of the overall Planned Development property.
13. Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions. Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. Mayor Douglas Athas Bao Vinh - Plan Commission Council Member Robert Vera Wayne Dalton - TIF South/I-30 Board 14. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 15. Adjourn.