LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions and Announcements
The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the March 6, 2018 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. RCWWTP Lift Station and Effluent Pump Station Electrical Upgrade Bid No. 0465-18 Gupta & Associates, Inc. $526,186.00 The purpose of this request is to provide professional engineering services for the upgrade of the Rowlett Creek Lift Station Electrical Building and the installation of a new final effluent pump and variable frequency drive. The Lift Station Electrical Building contains electrical gear that is obsolete, and the installation of a new final effluent pump was recommended in the Wastewater Treatment Master Plan completed in 2016. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. b. Street Department Concrete Repairs Bid No. 0317-18 XIT Paving and Construction, Inc. $7,000,000.00 Vescorp Construction, LLC 1,500,000.00 TOTAL: 8,500,000.00 This request is to remove and replace failed concrete pavement on streets and alleys throughout the city. c. Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Primary Clarifiers Improvements Bid No. 0268-18 Red River Construction $1,840,000.00 The purpose of this request is to provide upgrades and modifications to existing Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant primary clarifiers including new drive units. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. d. Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Primary Clarifier Bid No. 0263-18 Red River Construction $779,900.00 The purpose of this request is to provide clarifier upgrades for Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project includes internal structural demolition and modifications of the existing primary clarifier, and installation of upgraded equipment. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. e. Replacement Golf Carts Bid No. 0501-18 C&M Air Cooled Engine, Inc. $636,840.00 The purpose of this request is to replace the golf carts used at the Bridges Course. Golf carts have historically been replaced every three years to ensure not only reliability but also patron safety. This request is to replace 110 carts that have been in service since 2014 and add an additional 10 carts to accommodate the increase of patrons golfing on weekends. The replacement carts utilize new maintenance-free battery technology and are warrantied for 5 years instead of the typical 3-year period. This request also includes the replacement of maintenance cart haulers which are used in the day-to-day operation of maintaining the golf course. The current maintenance cart hauler fleet is over 7 years old with some units out of service. f. Toughbook Computers for Police Department Bid No. 0510-18 GTS Technology Solutions, Inc. $608,428.89 The purpose of this request is to provide replacement Toughbook computers for the Garland Police Department. The Toughbooks are used by Police Officers to review reports and records. The updated hardware and software will also help to ensure the safety of Garland. This purchase is being funded through the IT Replacement Fund. 3. Public hearings were previously conducted for the following zoning cases. Council approved the requests and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinances for consideration. a. Zoning File No. Z 18-13, Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. (District 5) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving 1) an amended Concept Plan and 2) a Detail Plan for Dwelling, Multi- Family Use on an 11.915-acre tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) 11-32 District for Multi-Family Uses and Retail Uses and located at 4689 Saturn Road and 1651, 1551 and 1451 Marketplace Drive; providing for conditions, restrictions and regulations; providing for a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. b. Zoning File No. Z 18-03, RGA Architects (District 5) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving a Specific Use Provision for a High Risk Use on a 12.808-acre tract of land zoned Industrial (IN) District and located at 3502 Regency Crest Drive; providing for conditions, restrictions, and regulations; providing for a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. c. Zoning File No. Z 18-05, Monk Consulting (District 3) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving a 1) an Amendment to Planned Development (PD) 97-39 District for Community Retail Uses, 2) a Concept Plan, and 3) a Detail Plan for Church or Place of Worship on an 18.04-acre tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) 97-39 District for Community Retail Uses and located at 4440 Waterhouse Boulevard; providing for conditions, restrictions and regulations; providing for a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. d. Zoning File No. Z 18-07, Hidden Oaks Lot Venture, Ltd. (District 1) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving 1) an Amendment to Planned Development (PD) 17-04 District for Single-Family Attached (Townhouse) Uses and 2) an Amended Detail Plan for Dwelling, Single-Family Attached (Townhouse) on a 14.251-acre tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) 17-04 District for Single-Family Attached (Townhouse) Uses and located east of Lavon Drive, between Foster Road and Crist Road; providing for conditions, restrictions and regulations; providing for a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. 4. 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) - Criminal Justice Division Grant The Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has made funds available to the State of Texas Office of the Governor-Criminal Justice Division (CJD) under the 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program for the purpose of reducing crime and improving public safety. The Garland Police Department is eligible to apply to CJD for an estimated award of $59,737.48 under this grant program.
Hold public hearings on: The 2018-19 CDBG, HOME and ESG Budgets Information regarding applications, funding history, and available funds for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Infill Partnership Grant (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) budgets are provided for Council's information and review.
Proposed changes to the Smoking Ordinance Hold a public hearing to take public input regarding proposed changes to Article IV, Chapter 22 (Smoking Ordinance). A revised draft that incorporates various conceptual changes proposed thus far by various speakers has been included for discussion purposes only.
Consider the application of Calvert & Co/Architects, Inc., requesting approval of 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 08-52 for Community Retail Uses, 2) a Concept Plan, and 3) a Detail Plan for Automobile Repair, Minor. The property is located at 3300 South Shiloh Road. (File No. Z 18-06, District 5) BEING all of that 3.096-acre tract of land situated in the John Casey Survey, Abstract Number. 351, in the City of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, and being a tract of land convoyed to RRREI Limited Partnership by deed recorded in Instrument No. 201070205925, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas., and being all of Lot 8R, Block 1 of Wal-Mart Super Center 2 Addition, an addition to the City of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 87242, Page 15919, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas. The property is located at 3300 South Shiloh Road. The applicant requests to develop a vacant property with a minor automobile repair facility.
Consider the application of ADI, Inc., requesting approval of a Detail Plan for General Office Uses on a property zoned Planned Development (PD) 13-32. This property is located west of the intersection of Guthrie Road and Broadway Boulevard. (File No. Z 17-33, District 4) BEING a 1.377-acre portion of Lot 1R, Block 1 of Belt Line-30 Shopping Center No. 3 Replat, an addition to the City of Garland, Dallas County Texas, According to the Plat thereof recorded in C.C No. 200900265772, Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas. The property is located west of the intersection of Guthrie Road and Broadway Boulevard. The applicant proposes to develop the subject property with an approximately 16,000 squarefoot office building.
Consider the application of NH Consulting, requesting approval of 1) Amendments to Planned Development (PD) 06-08 District for Community Retail Uses, 2) a Detail Plan for Hotel/Motel, Limited Service and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Hotel/Motel, Limited Service. The property is located at 4002 Easton Meadows Drive. (File No. Z 17-26, District 3) BEING a 1.8-acre tract of land situated in thein the John Smith Survey, Abstract No. 1360, and in the Thomas Stone Survey, Abstract No. 1330, in the City Of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, and being a remaining part Of the 4.1749 acres tract described in the Special Warranty Deed to Ameritrust, Texas, N .A., Custodian of Rollover Individual Retirement Account for the Benefit of William R. Waugh, dated January 14, 1993, and recorded in Volume 93013, Page 5094 in the Dallas County Deed Records, and also being a part of Lot I, Block I of "Faulkner Meadows No. 2", an addition to the City of Garland, recorded in Volume 83039, Page 0856 in the Dallas County Map Records. The site is located at 4002 Easton Meadows Drive. The applicant proposes the construction of a four-story hotel.
Consider the application of Claymoore Engineering, requesting a Detail Plan approval for Medical/Dental Office use on a property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 06-58 for Community Office (CO) Use. This property is located at 6650 Naaman Forest Boulevard. (File No. Z 18-04, District 7) BEING a 1.382-acre tract of land and being Lot 2, Block 1 Shoal Creek Office Park, an addition to the City of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, according to the replat recorded under Clerk’s File No. 200600462691, Official Public Records, Dallas County Texas. The property is located at 6650 Naaman Forest Boulevard. The applicant requests approval of a Detail Plan for the development of an approximately 10,000 square-foot Dental/Medical Office.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions. Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. a. Council Member Robert Vera Doug Williams - Plan Commission Pamela Williams - Property Standards Board
7. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 8. Adjourn.
LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions and Announcements
The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the March 6, 2018 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. RCWWTP Lift Station and Effluent Pump Station Electrical Upgrade Bid No. 0465-18 Gupta & Associates, Inc. $526,186.00 The purpose of this request is to provide professional engineering services for the upgrade of the Rowlett Creek Lift Station Electrical Building and the installation of a new final effluent pump and variable frequency drive. The Lift Station Electrical Building contains electrical gear that is obsolete, and the installation of a new final effluent pump was recommended in the Wastewater Treatment Master Plan completed in 2016. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. b. Street Department Concrete Repairs Bid No. 0317-18 XIT Paving and Construction, Inc. $7,000,000.00 Vescorp Construction, LLC 1,500,000.00 TOTAL: 8,500,000.00 This request is to remove and replace failed concrete pavement on streets and alleys throughout the city. c. Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Primary Clarifiers Improvements Bid No. 0268-18 Red River Construction $1,840,000.00 The purpose of this request is to provide upgrades and modifications to existing Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant primary clarifiers including new drive units. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. d. Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Primary Clarifier Bid No. 0263-18 Red River Construction $779,900.00 The purpose of this request is to provide clarifier upgrades for Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project includes internal structural demolition and modifications of the existing primary clarifier, and installation of upgraded equipment. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. e. Replacement Golf Carts Bid No. 0501-18 C&M Air Cooled Engine, Inc. $636,840.00 The purpose of this request is to replace the golf carts used at the Bridges Course. Golf carts have historically been replaced every three years to ensure not only reliability but also patron safety. This request is to replace 110 carts that have been in service since 2014 and add an additional 10 carts to accommodate the increase of patrons golfing on weekends. The replacement carts utilize new maintenance-free battery technology and are warrantied for 5 years instead of the typical 3-year period. This request also includes the replacement of maintenance cart haulers which are used in the day-to-day operation of maintaining the golf course. The current maintenance cart hauler fleet is over 7 years old with some units out of service. f. Toughbook Computers for Police Department Bid No. 0510-18 GTS Technology Solutions, Inc. $608,428.89 The purpose of this request is to provide replacement Toughbook computers for the Garland Police Department. The Toughbooks are used by Police Officers to review reports and records. The updated hardware and software will also help to ensure the safety of Garland. This purchase is being funded through the IT Replacement Fund. 3. Public hearings were previously conducted for the following zoning cases. Council approved the requests and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinances for consideration. a. Zoning File No. Z 18-13, Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. (District 5) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving 1) an amended Concept Plan and 2) a Detail Plan for Dwelling, Multi- Family Use on an 11.915-acre tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) 11-32 District for Multi-Family Uses and Retail Uses and located at 4689 Saturn Road and 1651, 1551 and 1451 Marketplace Drive; providing for conditions, restrictions and regulations; providing for a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. b. Zoning File No. Z 18-03, RGA Architects (District 5) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving a Specific Use Provision for a High Risk Use on a 12.808-acre tract of land zoned Industrial (IN) District and located at 3502 Regency Crest Drive; providing for conditions, restrictions, and regulations; providing for a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. c. Zoning File No. Z 18-05, Monk Consulting (District 3) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving a 1) an Amendment to Planned Development (PD) 97-39 District for Community Retail Uses, 2) a Concept Plan, and 3) a Detail Plan for Church or Place of Worship on an 18.04-acre tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) 97-39 District for Community Retail Uses and located at 4440 Waterhouse Boulevard; providing for conditions, restrictions and regulations; providing for a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. d. Zoning File No. Z 18-07, Hidden Oaks Lot Venture, Ltd. (District 1) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving 1) an Amendment to Planned Development (PD) 17-04 District for Single-Family Attached (Townhouse) Uses and 2) an Amended Detail Plan for Dwelling, Single-Family Attached (Townhouse) on a 14.251-acre tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) 17-04 District for Single-Family Attached (Townhouse) Uses and located east of Lavon Drive, between Foster Road and Crist Road; providing for conditions, restrictions and regulations; providing for a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. 4. 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) - Criminal Justice Division Grant The Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has made funds available to the State of Texas Office of the Governor-Criminal Justice Division (CJD) under the 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program for the purpose of reducing crime and improving public safety. The Garland Police Department is eligible to apply to CJD for an estimated award of $59,737.48 under this grant program.
Hold public hearings on: The 2018-19 CDBG, HOME and ESG Budgets Information regarding applications, funding history, and available funds for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Infill Partnership Grant (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) budgets are provided for Council's information and review.
Proposed changes to the Smoking Ordinance Hold a public hearing to take public input regarding proposed changes to Article IV, Chapter 22 (Smoking Ordinance). A revised draft that incorporates various conceptual changes proposed thus far by various speakers has been included for discussion purposes only.
Consider the application of Calvert & Co/Architects, Inc., requesting approval of 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 08-52 for Community Retail Uses, 2) a Concept Plan, and 3) a Detail Plan for Automobile Repair, Minor. The property is located at 3300 South Shiloh Road. (File No. Z 18-06, District 5) BEING all of that 3.096-acre tract of land situated in the John Casey Survey, Abstract Number. 351, in the City of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, and being a tract of land convoyed to RRREI Limited Partnership by deed recorded in Instrument No. 201070205925, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas., and being all of Lot 8R, Block 1 of Wal-Mart Super Center 2 Addition, an addition to the City of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 87242, Page 15919, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas. The property is located at 3300 South Shiloh Road. The applicant requests to develop a vacant property with a minor automobile repair facility.
Consider the application of ADI, Inc., requesting approval of a Detail Plan for General Office Uses on a property zoned Planned Development (PD) 13-32. This property is located west of the intersection of Guthrie Road and Broadway Boulevard. (File No. Z 17-33, District 4) BEING a 1.377-acre portion of Lot 1R, Block 1 of Belt Line-30 Shopping Center No. 3 Replat, an addition to the City of Garland, Dallas County Texas, According to the Plat thereof recorded in C.C No. 200900265772, Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas. The property is located west of the intersection of Guthrie Road and Broadway Boulevard. The applicant proposes to develop the subject property with an approximately 16,000 squarefoot office building.
Consider the application of NH Consulting, requesting approval of 1) Amendments to Planned Development (PD) 06-08 District for Community Retail Uses, 2) a Detail Plan for Hotel/Motel, Limited Service and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Hotel/Motel, Limited Service. The property is located at 4002 Easton Meadows Drive. (File No. Z 17-26, District 3) BEING a 1.8-acre tract of land situated in thein the John Smith Survey, Abstract No. 1360, and in the Thomas Stone Survey, Abstract No. 1330, in the City Of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, and being a remaining part Of the 4.1749 acres tract described in the Special Warranty Deed to Ameritrust, Texas, N .A., Custodian of Rollover Individual Retirement Account for the Benefit of William R. Waugh, dated January 14, 1993, and recorded in Volume 93013, Page 5094 in the Dallas County Deed Records, and also being a part of Lot I, Block I of "Faulkner Meadows No. 2", an addition to the City of Garland, recorded in Volume 83039, Page 0856 in the Dallas County Map Records. The site is located at 4002 Easton Meadows Drive. The applicant proposes the construction of a four-story hotel.
Consider the application of Claymoore Engineering, requesting a Detail Plan approval for Medical/Dental Office use on a property zoned Planned Development (PD) District 06-58 for Community Office (CO) Use. This property is located at 6650 Naaman Forest Boulevard. (File No. Z 18-04, District 7) BEING a 1.382-acre tract of land and being Lot 2, Block 1 Shoal Creek Office Park, an addition to the City of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, according to the replat recorded under Clerk’s File No. 200600462691, Official Public Records, Dallas County Texas. The property is located at 6650 Naaman Forest Boulevard. The applicant requests approval of a Detail Plan for the development of an approximately 10,000 square-foot Dental/Medical Office.
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions. Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. a. Council Member Robert Vera Doug Williams - Plan Commission Pamela Williams - Property Standards Board
7. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 8. Adjourn.