LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions and Announcements
The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
CONSENT AGENDA All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Sanitary Sewer Mainline Rehabilitation Bid No. 0777-19 Insituform Technologies, LLC $1,000,000.00 This request is to provide trenchless rehabilitation of various sanitary sewer lines throughout the city. This is a Term Agreement with four optional renewals. b. Mezzanine Storage for Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Bid No. 0657-19 Southwest Solutions Group, Inc. $111,415.79 This request is to provide a mezzanine with industrial shelving for the renovated parts storage area at Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations Center. c. Door and Hardware Replacement for Carver Center Renovation Project Bid No. 0425-17 CORE Construction Company, LLC $99,272.17 This request is to approve Change Order #1 for the Carver Center Renovation Project. d. Bottleneck Feasibility Study Bid No. 0212-19 Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. $220,800.00 This request is to provide professional engineering services for a Feasibility Study of the first 19 intersections evaluated in the City of Garland Bottleneck Study, prepared by Kimley-Horn in April 2017. e. Annual Utility Contract Bid No. 0709-19 Tri-Con Services $2,000,000.00 This request is to provide repair and installation of City of Garland infrastructure either as an emergency or as a high priority item that is outside the capability and scope of our Water and Wastewater utility crews. This is a Term Agreement with three optional renewals. f. Distribution Overhead Line Maintenance & Construction Bid No. 0626-19 Irby Construction Company $750,000.00 This request is to provide distribution overhead line maintenance and construction on an as-needed basis. This is a Term Agreement with four optional renewals. g. Interactive Voice Response System for Customer Service Bid No. 0891-19 Selectron Technologies, Inc. $231,375.00 This request is to purchase a replacement Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) for Customer Service. h. End Dump Trailers Bid No. 0696-19 Texoma Manufacturing, LLC $151,358.00 This request is to purchase two replacement End Dump Trailers for EWS. i. GP&L McCree Substation Phase II Upgrade for Autotransformer Addition Bid No. 0877-19 Black & Veatch $881,100.00 This request is to provide professional engineering services for the addition of an autotrans-former at the GP&L McCree Substation. j. GP&L Ben Davis Substation Control House Bid No. 0876-19 Black & Veatch $907,765.00 Optional Contingency 90,777.00 TOTAL: $998,542.00 This request is to provide professional engineering services for replacement of the existing control house at the GP&L Ben Davis 345/138kV Substation. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. k. Budget System Replacement Bid No. 0042-19 Questica, Inc. $314,780.00 This request is to replace the City's outdated budget and forecasting software system. l. 2018 Paving, Water and Sewer Replacement Project, Phase I Bid No. 0928-18 Tri-Con Services, Inc. $845,303.80 This request is to approve Change Order #4 for the reconstruction of Bosque Drive from Bringle Lane to Rivercrest Lane. 2. Consider a resolution approving the abandonment, release, and conveyance of certain utility easements in the Alta Spring Creek addition authorizing the Mayor of the City of Garland to execute an instrument conveying the easements to Campbell 190 Partners, LLC; and providing an effective date. At the May 6, 2019 Work Session, Council considered approving a resolution authorizing the Mayor to abandon the two existing Utility Easements and execute Abandonment Deeds Without Warranty to the current property owner, Campbell 190 Partners, LLC., in exchange for several larger utility easements to the City as part of the Alta Spring Creek subdivision. 3. Consider a resolution authorizing the conveyance of a Water Line Easement to Copeville Water Supply Corporation located adjacent to Olinger Power Plant, Copeville, Collin County, Texas authorizing the Mayor to execute an easement instrument; and providing an effective date. At the May 6, 2019 Work Session, Council considered approving a resolution authorizing the Mayor to grant a Water Line Easement to Copeville Water Supply Corporation across City property located adjacent to Olinger Power Plant in Nevada, Texas. 4. Approve by minute action authorizing the City Manager to enter into the DART Interlocal Agreement for Bottleneck Funding City staff and DART have reached agreement on the attached interlocal agreement that would provide $3,202,833 to the City for the funding of bottleneck improvements to capacity constrained signalized intersections. 5. Consider a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) - Click It or Ticket (CIOT) Grant in the amount of $11,338.56; and providing an effective date. At the May 20, 2019 Work Session, Council considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept the State of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant "Click It or Ticket" for May 22, 2019 - June 5, 2019 in the amount of $11,338.56. 6. Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Garland, Texas Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 and a resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a Principal Forgiveness Agreement between the Texas Water Development Board and the City of Garland, Texas. At the April 1, 2019 Work Session, Council considered the issuance of $6,670,000 of Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 to be purchased by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) at a below market interest rate. In addition, Council considered the execution of a Principal Forgiveness Agreement with the TWDB for $975,037. The purpose of this transaction is to receive financial assistance from the TWDB totaling $7,645,037 to fund the multi-year Radio Read Water Meter Retrofit project approved in the 2019 CIP. 7. Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance of "City of Garland, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2019;" providing for the payment of said certificates of obligation by the levy of an ad valorem tax upon all taxable property within the City and a limited pledge of the net revenues derived from the operation of the City's Water and Sewer System; providing the terms and conditions of such certificates of obligation and resolving other matters incident and relating to the issuance, payment, security, sale and delivery of said certificates of obligation, including the approval and execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and a Purchase Agreement, and the approval and distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Official Statement pertaining thereto; and providing an effective date. At the April 1, 2019 Work Session, Council considered authorizing a Certificates of Obligation (CO) bond sale in the approximate amount of $30 million to fund a portion of the approved 2019 CIP. 8. Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 33, "Transportation," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to adopt an ordinance that will restrict pedestrians from stopping, standing or remaining in the roadway, median, overpasses and viaducts of certain major intersections. This ordinance will likely reduce the presence of pedestrians in those areas and result in increased safety and traffic flow.
Hold a public hearing on: a. Consider the application of TMT, Inc., requesting approval of a variance to Chapter 2, Article 5, Section 2.55(A) of the Garland Development Code regarding the distance to a church, public school, or public hospital from an establishment that sells or serves alcoholic beverages. The property is located at 3405 Broadway Boulevard. (File No. BW 19-01, District 4) BEING 0.52 acres of land situated in the John Little League Survey, Abstract No. 761, and being a part of a tract of land conveyed to A.J. Head and Ruby Irene Head by Southgate Manor, Inc. et al by deed dated November 30, 1965, recorded in Volume 710, Page 1489, Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. The applicant, who represents an existing convenience store/gas station [Whip-In], requests a variance to allow the sales of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine) closer than the required distance of 300 feet from a school.
10. Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions. Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. Council Member Robert John Smith Dale Long - Property Standards Board 12. Adjourn.
LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
Mayoral Proclamations, Recognitions and Announcements
The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
CONSENT AGENDA All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Sanitary Sewer Mainline Rehabilitation Bid No. 0777-19 Insituform Technologies, LLC $1,000,000.00 This request is to provide trenchless rehabilitation of various sanitary sewer lines throughout the city. This is a Term Agreement with four optional renewals. b. Mezzanine Storage for Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Bid No. 0657-19 Southwest Solutions Group, Inc. $111,415.79 This request is to provide a mezzanine with industrial shelving for the renovated parts storage area at Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations Center. c. Door and Hardware Replacement for Carver Center Renovation Project Bid No. 0425-17 CORE Construction Company, LLC $99,272.17 This request is to approve Change Order #1 for the Carver Center Renovation Project. d. Bottleneck Feasibility Study Bid No. 0212-19 Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. $220,800.00 This request is to provide professional engineering services for a Feasibility Study of the first 19 intersections evaluated in the City of Garland Bottleneck Study, prepared by Kimley-Horn in April 2017. e. Annual Utility Contract Bid No. 0709-19 Tri-Con Services $2,000,000.00 This request is to provide repair and installation of City of Garland infrastructure either as an emergency or as a high priority item that is outside the capability and scope of our Water and Wastewater utility crews. This is a Term Agreement with three optional renewals. f. Distribution Overhead Line Maintenance & Construction Bid No. 0626-19 Irby Construction Company $750,000.00 This request is to provide distribution overhead line maintenance and construction on an as-needed basis. This is a Term Agreement with four optional renewals. g. Interactive Voice Response System for Customer Service Bid No. 0891-19 Selectron Technologies, Inc. $231,375.00 This request is to purchase a replacement Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) for Customer Service. h. End Dump Trailers Bid No. 0696-19 Texoma Manufacturing, LLC $151,358.00 This request is to purchase two replacement End Dump Trailers for EWS. i. GP&L McCree Substation Phase II Upgrade for Autotransformer Addition Bid No. 0877-19 Black & Veatch $881,100.00 This request is to provide professional engineering services for the addition of an autotrans-former at the GP&L McCree Substation. j. GP&L Ben Davis Substation Control House Bid No. 0876-19 Black & Veatch $907,765.00 Optional Contingency 90,777.00 TOTAL: $998,542.00 This request is to provide professional engineering services for replacement of the existing control house at the GP&L Ben Davis 345/138kV Substation. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. k. Budget System Replacement Bid No. 0042-19 Questica, Inc. $314,780.00 This request is to replace the City's outdated budget and forecasting software system. l. 2018 Paving, Water and Sewer Replacement Project, Phase I Bid No. 0928-18 Tri-Con Services, Inc. $845,303.80 This request is to approve Change Order #4 for the reconstruction of Bosque Drive from Bringle Lane to Rivercrest Lane. 2. Consider a resolution approving the abandonment, release, and conveyance of certain utility easements in the Alta Spring Creek addition authorizing the Mayor of the City of Garland to execute an instrument conveying the easements to Campbell 190 Partners, LLC; and providing an effective date. At the May 6, 2019 Work Session, Council considered approving a resolution authorizing the Mayor to abandon the two existing Utility Easements and execute Abandonment Deeds Without Warranty to the current property owner, Campbell 190 Partners, LLC., in exchange for several larger utility easements to the City as part of the Alta Spring Creek subdivision. 3. Consider a resolution authorizing the conveyance of a Water Line Easement to Copeville Water Supply Corporation located adjacent to Olinger Power Plant, Copeville, Collin County, Texas authorizing the Mayor to execute an easement instrument; and providing an effective date. At the May 6, 2019 Work Session, Council considered approving a resolution authorizing the Mayor to grant a Water Line Easement to Copeville Water Supply Corporation across City property located adjacent to Olinger Power Plant in Nevada, Texas. 4. Approve by minute action authorizing the City Manager to enter into the DART Interlocal Agreement for Bottleneck Funding City staff and DART have reached agreement on the attached interlocal agreement that would provide $3,202,833 to the City for the funding of bottleneck improvements to capacity constrained signalized intersections. 5. Consider a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) - Click It or Ticket (CIOT) Grant in the amount of $11,338.56; and providing an effective date. At the May 20, 2019 Work Session, Council considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept the State of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant "Click It or Ticket" for May 22, 2019 - June 5, 2019 in the amount of $11,338.56. 6. Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Garland, Texas Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 and a resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a Principal Forgiveness Agreement between the Texas Water Development Board and the City of Garland, Texas. At the April 1, 2019 Work Session, Council considered the issuance of $6,670,000 of Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 to be purchased by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) at a below market interest rate. In addition, Council considered the execution of a Principal Forgiveness Agreement with the TWDB for $975,037. The purpose of this transaction is to receive financial assistance from the TWDB totaling $7,645,037 to fund the multi-year Radio Read Water Meter Retrofit project approved in the 2019 CIP. 7. Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance of "City of Garland, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2019;" providing for the payment of said certificates of obligation by the levy of an ad valorem tax upon all taxable property within the City and a limited pledge of the net revenues derived from the operation of the City's Water and Sewer System; providing the terms and conditions of such certificates of obligation and resolving other matters incident and relating to the issuance, payment, security, sale and delivery of said certificates of obligation, including the approval and execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and a Purchase Agreement, and the approval and distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Official Statement pertaining thereto; and providing an effective date. At the April 1, 2019 Work Session, Council considered authorizing a Certificates of Obligation (CO) bond sale in the approximate amount of $30 million to fund a portion of the approved 2019 CIP. 8. Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 33, "Transportation," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to adopt an ordinance that will restrict pedestrians from stopping, standing or remaining in the roadway, median, overpasses and viaducts of certain major intersections. This ordinance will likely reduce the presence of pedestrians in those areas and result in increased safety and traffic flow.
Hold a public hearing on: a. Consider the application of TMT, Inc., requesting approval of a variance to Chapter 2, Article 5, Section 2.55(A) of the Garland Development Code regarding the distance to a church, public school, or public hospital from an establishment that sells or serves alcoholic beverages. The property is located at 3405 Broadway Boulevard. (File No. BW 19-01, District 4) BEING 0.52 acres of land situated in the John Little League Survey, Abstract No. 761, and being a part of a tract of land conveyed to A.J. Head and Ruby Irene Head by Southgate Manor, Inc. et al by deed dated November 30, 1965, recorded in Volume 710, Page 1489, Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. The applicant, who represents an existing convenience store/gas station [Whip-In], requests a variance to allow the sales of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine) closer than the required distance of 300 feet from a school.
10. Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions. Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. Council Member Robert John Smith Dale Long - Property Standards Board 12. Adjourn.