LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the April 13 Special and April 21 Regular Meetings . 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Playground Replacement Program - Design Services Bid No. 0829-20 MHS Planning & Design, LLC $636,360.00 Optional Contingency 60,000.00 TOTAL: $696,360.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the design and construction administration of replacing playground equipment at 24 public parks throughout the city. The services include planning, engineering, landscape architecture, surveying, geotechnical, and construction administration services to facilitate the construction of the playground improvements. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional services that may be required. This project is part of the 2019 Bond Program and approved in the 2020 CIP. b. Water and Sewer Main Improvements: Hartford Drive, Beverly Alley, and Cuero Drive Bid No. 0497-20 SYB Construction Company $828,139.50 Optional Contingency 82,813.95 TOTAL: $910,953.45 This request is to provide water and sewer main improvements on Hartford Drive, Beverly Alley, and Cuero Drive. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. c. Water and Sewer Line Improvements: Noble, Victoria, and Lakeshore Drive Bid No. 0425-20 KIK Underground, LLC $1,597,572.00 Optional Contingency 159,757.20 $1,757,329.20 This request is to provide water and sewer line improvements on Noble, Victoria, and Lakeshore Drive. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. d. Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Line Rehabilitation Bid No. 0771-20 Insituform Technologies, LLC $1,110,808.75 This request is to provide trenchless rehabilitation of approximately 2,415 feet of 48-inch sanitary sewer interceptor line that flows from north of Pleasant Valley Road to the Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. e. GP&L Vegetation Management Bid No.6354-16 Asplundh Tree Expert Company $85,000.00 This request is to approve Change Order #1 for GP&L vegetation management. The additional funding is needed to continue tree trimming services until a new contract can be awarded in May. f. Wynn Joyce to Ben Davis 138kV Transmission Line Rebuild Construc. Oversight Bid No. 0795-20 Burns & McDonnell $294,000.00 This request is to obtain construction management support services for the partial rebuild of the Wynn Joyce to Ben Davis 138kV Transmission Line. This is part of the approved Wynn Joyce - Miller Road Lake Crossing CIP project. g. Professional Engineering Services for Avenue H Repaving Bid No. 0583-18 R-Delta Engineers, Inc. $30,000.00 This request is to consider approval of Change Order #1 for professional engineering services associated with design for repaving of Avenue H within Central Park. h. Stonewall Street Alley Improvement Construction Bid No. 0531-20 Vescorp Construction, LLC $419,433.50 This request is for the construction of approximately 500 LF of alley improvements from 1110 to 1134 Stonewall Street. i. Drainage Improvements Study for Garvon West Industrial Park Bid No. 0825-20 Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, Inc. $124,250.00 Optional Contingency 15,000.00 TOTAL: $139,250.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the preparation of a drainage study in the Garvon West and Innovation Industrial Parks area. j. Engineering Services for Olinger to Wylie East Reconstruction Bid No. 4307-14 R-Delta Engineers, Inc. $60,000.00 This request is to approve Change Order #5 to provide finalized construction plans needed for the reconstruction of four (4) transmission circuits across Lake Lavon as part of the approved GP&L Olinger Wylie East Circuit CIP project. k. Central Park Sports Field Lighting Bid No. 0821-20 Musco Sports Lighting, LLC $603,538.00 Optional Contingency 60,353.00 $663,891.00 This request is to replace the existing football and baseball field light fixtures at Central Park Sports Fields with new LED fixtures. Utilizing LED lights results in energy savings over time and will reduce light spill and glare. l. Drainage Improvements Study for Country Club Park Estates Bid No. 0826-20 Metropolitan Infrastructure, PLLC $108,250.00 Optional Contingency 9,500.00 TOTAL: $117,750.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the preparation of a drainage study in the Country Club Park Estates area in and around James Good Lane and adjacent streets. m. Playground Construction for Eastern Hills Park and One Eleven Ranch Park Bid No. 0827-20 Whirlix Designs, Inc. $380,824.00 This request is to furnish and install playground equipment, playground surfacing, and shade structures at Eastern Hills Park and One Eleven Ranch Park. n. Bottleneck Improvements Design Services Bid No. 0828-20 Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. $2,428,200.00 Optional Contingency 100,000.00 TOTAL: $2,528,200.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the design of 16 intersection improvements throughout the city. The services include topographic and boundary surveying, detailed design and construction documents, right-of-way acquisition, and construction administration services to facilitate the construction of the improvements. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional services that may be required. This project is part of the 2019 Bond Program and approved in the 2020 CIP. o. Design Services for Rick Oden Park Bid No. 0830-20 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. $1,020,000.00 Optional Contingency 100,000.00 TOTAL: $1,120,000.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the design and construction administration of improvements to Rick Oden Park. The services will include geotechnical investigation, hydraulic and environmental analysis, preparation of detailed design and construction documents, and construction administration services to facilitate the improvements to the park. This project will coordinate with the paving and lighting plan design adjacent to the Skate Park, which is being completed under a separate contract. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional services that may be required. This project is part of the 2019 Bond Program and approved in the 2020 CIP. p. Engineering Services for GP&L Lookout Substation Voltage Control Bid No. 1241-19 Siemens PTI $27,600.00 Optional Contingency 2,400.00 TOTAL: $30,000.00 This request is to approve Change Order #2 for Lookout Substation voltage control engineering services. At the request of ERCOT, this Change Order will allow for studies to create simulations for the phased implementation of the composite load model. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional services that may be required. q. GP&L King Mountain Switch Station Construction Bid No. 0882-19 Primoris T&D Services, LLC $325,479.20 This request is to approve Change Order #3 for King Mountain Switch Station construction services. This will allow for additional station testing and commissioning, construction services, and equipment rental due to project delays caused by late material deliveries and delayed outage approvals. r. King Mountain Switch Station Engineering and Project Management Services Bid No. 0540-19 Power Engineers, Inc. $194,790.00 This request is to approve Change Order #1 for King Mountain Switch Station engineering and project management services. Additional services include: modification to the station layout due to site topology; additional design of switch structures and motor operators; improvements to standard wiring diagrams to monitor breaker trip coils and blown fuses; enhanced modeling of the West Texas grid to ensure relay coordination; incorporating backup telecommunication requirements; revisions to conduit and cable designs drawings due to unavailable materials; troubleshooting support; and expediting materials to facilitate completion schedule. s. Grass Sod Bid No. 0697-20 A & W Turf, LLC $144,350.00 This request is for the purchase of grass sod for restoring vegetation in the right-of-way upon the completion of rehabilitation and/or reconstruction by Street Department crews. This approval is for a Term Agreement with four (4) optional renewals. t. GP&L Distribution System Vegetation Management Bid No. 0633-20 Trees, Inc. $800,000.00 This request is to provide vegetation management activities as part of the GP&L Distribution System maintenance operations. This approval is for a Term Agreement with four (4) optional renewals. 3. Consider an Ordinance adopting recommendations from the Texas Department of Transporation Speed Study for IH 30. Council is requested to enact an ordinance adopting the TxDOT speed study of IH 30 through Garland. This speed study indicates that the speed limit should be raised to 70 MPH from its current 65 MPH. 4. Consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7132, as amended, by adopting and implementing the provisions of Governor Abbott’s latest executive orders. The City Council is requested to consider adopting further revisions to Ordinance No. 7132 consistent with its discussions of this item at the May 4, 2020 Work Session.
Consider an ordinance amending in part Chapter 2, Land Use Matrix, of the Garland Development Code; and amending in part Chapter 7, Article 2, Land Use Matrix, of the Garland Development Code, regarding certain parking ratios. Council is requested to consider amendments to Chapter 2, Land Use Matrix, of the Garland Development Code; and amending in part Chapter 7, Article 2, Land Use Matrix, of the Garland Development Code, regarding parking ratios for Retail Store use and Commercial Amusement, Indoor use. The Council had an initial Work Session discussion regarding this subject matter on February 17, 2020 and staff is bringing forward the changes accordingly. A briefing item has been included on the May 4, 2020 Work Session agenda.
Consider the application of Westwood Professional Services, requesting approval of an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 13-40 for Community Retail (CR) Uses. This property is located at 1122 West Centerville Road. (File No. Z 20-06, District 5) The applicant requests to build an office/retail building. This item serves as the applicant’s Planned Development (PD) amendment request.
Consider the application of Westwood Professional Services, requesting approval of a Detail Plan for an Office / Retail Building. This property is located at 1122 West Centerville Road. (File No. Z 20-06, District 5) The applicant requests to build an office/retail building. This item serves as the applicant’s Detail Plan request.
Consider the application of Allstate Carriers LLC, requesting approval of 1) a Specific Use Provision for Truck and Bus Repair, 2) a Specific Use Provision for Truck Sales/Leasing/Rental, and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Truck/Bus Storage. (File No. Z 20-08, District 6) (The applicant has requested postponement to the May 19, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.) The applicant proposes a five (5) year operation of a warehouse/storage distribution use with truck and bus repair, truck sales/leasing/rental, and truck bus storage on a property developed for industrial uses. The applicant has requested postponement of this request to May 19.
Hold a public hearing for comments on Implementation of a Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program using CDBG and ESG Funding At the May 4 2020, Work Session Meeting, City Council was provided information regarding $648,962 in Emergency Solutions Grant funding provided through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and, Economic Security Act and considered reprogramming $400,000 in FY19-20 Community Development Block Grant funding to implement a Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program for eligible Garland residents. As part of the process, a public hearing is required to solicit comments from any interested parties relating to this issue.
6. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 7. Adjourn. All Regular Council meetings are broadcast live on CGTV, Time Warner Cable Channel 16, and Frontier FIOS TV 44. Meetings are rebroadcast at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday-Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Live streaming and on-demand videos of the meetings are also available online at www.garlandtx.gov. Copies of the meetings can be purchased through the City Secretary’s Office – audio CD’s are $1 each and DVD’s are $3 each.
LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately. 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the April 13 Special and April 21 Regular Meetings . 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Playground Replacement Program - Design Services Bid No. 0829-20 MHS Planning & Design, LLC $636,360.00 Optional Contingency 60,000.00 TOTAL: $696,360.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the design and construction administration of replacing playground equipment at 24 public parks throughout the city. The services include planning, engineering, landscape architecture, surveying, geotechnical, and construction administration services to facilitate the construction of the playground improvements. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional services that may be required. This project is part of the 2019 Bond Program and approved in the 2020 CIP. b. Water and Sewer Main Improvements: Hartford Drive, Beverly Alley, and Cuero Drive Bid No. 0497-20 SYB Construction Company $828,139.50 Optional Contingency 82,813.95 TOTAL: $910,953.45 This request is to provide water and sewer main improvements on Hartford Drive, Beverly Alley, and Cuero Drive. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. c. Water and Sewer Line Improvements: Noble, Victoria, and Lakeshore Drive Bid No. 0425-20 KIK Underground, LLC $1,597,572.00 Optional Contingency 159,757.20 $1,757,329.20 This request is to provide water and sewer line improvements on Noble, Victoria, and Lakeshore Drive. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. d. Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Line Rehabilitation Bid No. 0771-20 Insituform Technologies, LLC $1,110,808.75 This request is to provide trenchless rehabilitation of approximately 2,415 feet of 48-inch sanitary sewer interceptor line that flows from north of Pleasant Valley Road to the Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. e. GP&L Vegetation Management Bid No.6354-16 Asplundh Tree Expert Company $85,000.00 This request is to approve Change Order #1 for GP&L vegetation management. The additional funding is needed to continue tree trimming services until a new contract can be awarded in May. f. Wynn Joyce to Ben Davis 138kV Transmission Line Rebuild Construc. Oversight Bid No. 0795-20 Burns & McDonnell $294,000.00 This request is to obtain construction management support services for the partial rebuild of the Wynn Joyce to Ben Davis 138kV Transmission Line. This is part of the approved Wynn Joyce - Miller Road Lake Crossing CIP project. g. Professional Engineering Services for Avenue H Repaving Bid No. 0583-18 R-Delta Engineers, Inc. $30,000.00 This request is to consider approval of Change Order #1 for professional engineering services associated with design for repaving of Avenue H within Central Park. h. Stonewall Street Alley Improvement Construction Bid No. 0531-20 Vescorp Construction, LLC $419,433.50 This request is for the construction of approximately 500 LF of alley improvements from 1110 to 1134 Stonewall Street. i. Drainage Improvements Study for Garvon West Industrial Park Bid No. 0825-20 Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, Inc. $124,250.00 Optional Contingency 15,000.00 TOTAL: $139,250.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the preparation of a drainage study in the Garvon West and Innovation Industrial Parks area. j. Engineering Services for Olinger to Wylie East Reconstruction Bid No. 4307-14 R-Delta Engineers, Inc. $60,000.00 This request is to approve Change Order #5 to provide finalized construction plans needed for the reconstruction of four (4) transmission circuits across Lake Lavon as part of the approved GP&L Olinger Wylie East Circuit CIP project. k. Central Park Sports Field Lighting Bid No. 0821-20 Musco Sports Lighting, LLC $603,538.00 Optional Contingency 60,353.00 $663,891.00 This request is to replace the existing football and baseball field light fixtures at Central Park Sports Fields with new LED fixtures. Utilizing LED lights results in energy savings over time and will reduce light spill and glare. l. Drainage Improvements Study for Country Club Park Estates Bid No. 0826-20 Metropolitan Infrastructure, PLLC $108,250.00 Optional Contingency 9,500.00 TOTAL: $117,750.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the preparation of a drainage study in the Country Club Park Estates area in and around James Good Lane and adjacent streets. m. Playground Construction for Eastern Hills Park and One Eleven Ranch Park Bid No. 0827-20 Whirlix Designs, Inc. $380,824.00 This request is to furnish and install playground equipment, playground surfacing, and shade structures at Eastern Hills Park and One Eleven Ranch Park. n. Bottleneck Improvements Design Services Bid No. 0828-20 Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. $2,428,200.00 Optional Contingency 100,000.00 TOTAL: $2,528,200.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the design of 16 intersection improvements throughout the city. The services include topographic and boundary surveying, detailed design and construction documents, right-of-way acquisition, and construction administration services to facilitate the construction of the improvements. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional services that may be required. This project is part of the 2019 Bond Program and approved in the 2020 CIP. o. Design Services for Rick Oden Park Bid No. 0830-20 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. $1,020,000.00 Optional Contingency 100,000.00 TOTAL: $1,120,000.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the design and construction administration of improvements to Rick Oden Park. The services will include geotechnical investigation, hydraulic and environmental analysis, preparation of detailed design and construction documents, and construction administration services to facilitate the improvements to the park. This project will coordinate with the paving and lighting plan design adjacent to the Skate Park, which is being completed under a separate contract. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional services that may be required. This project is part of the 2019 Bond Program and approved in the 2020 CIP. p. Engineering Services for GP&L Lookout Substation Voltage Control Bid No. 1241-19 Siemens PTI $27,600.00 Optional Contingency 2,400.00 TOTAL: $30,000.00 This request is to approve Change Order #2 for Lookout Substation voltage control engineering services. At the request of ERCOT, this Change Order will allow for studies to create simulations for the phased implementation of the composite load model. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional services that may be required. q. GP&L King Mountain Switch Station Construction Bid No. 0882-19 Primoris T&D Services, LLC $325,479.20 This request is to approve Change Order #3 for King Mountain Switch Station construction services. This will allow for additional station testing and commissioning, construction services, and equipment rental due to project delays caused by late material deliveries and delayed outage approvals. r. King Mountain Switch Station Engineering and Project Management Services Bid No. 0540-19 Power Engineers, Inc. $194,790.00 This request is to approve Change Order #1 for King Mountain Switch Station engineering and project management services. Additional services include: modification to the station layout due to site topology; additional design of switch structures and motor operators; improvements to standard wiring diagrams to monitor breaker trip coils and blown fuses; enhanced modeling of the West Texas grid to ensure relay coordination; incorporating backup telecommunication requirements; revisions to conduit and cable designs drawings due to unavailable materials; troubleshooting support; and expediting materials to facilitate completion schedule. s. Grass Sod Bid No. 0697-20 A & W Turf, LLC $144,350.00 This request is for the purchase of grass sod for restoring vegetation in the right-of-way upon the completion of rehabilitation and/or reconstruction by Street Department crews. This approval is for a Term Agreement with four (4) optional renewals. t. GP&L Distribution System Vegetation Management Bid No. 0633-20 Trees, Inc. $800,000.00 This request is to provide vegetation management activities as part of the GP&L Distribution System maintenance operations. This approval is for a Term Agreement with four (4) optional renewals. 3. Consider an Ordinance adopting recommendations from the Texas Department of Transporation Speed Study for IH 30. Council is requested to enact an ordinance adopting the TxDOT speed study of IH 30 through Garland. This speed study indicates that the speed limit should be raised to 70 MPH from its current 65 MPH. 4. Consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7132, as amended, by adopting and implementing the provisions of Governor Abbott’s latest executive orders. The City Council is requested to consider adopting further revisions to Ordinance No. 7132 consistent with its discussions of this item at the May 4, 2020 Work Session.
Consider an ordinance amending in part Chapter 2, Land Use Matrix, of the Garland Development Code; and amending in part Chapter 7, Article 2, Land Use Matrix, of the Garland Development Code, regarding certain parking ratios. Council is requested to consider amendments to Chapter 2, Land Use Matrix, of the Garland Development Code; and amending in part Chapter 7, Article 2, Land Use Matrix, of the Garland Development Code, regarding parking ratios for Retail Store use and Commercial Amusement, Indoor use. The Council had an initial Work Session discussion regarding this subject matter on February 17, 2020 and staff is bringing forward the changes accordingly. A briefing item has been included on the May 4, 2020 Work Session agenda.
Consider the application of Westwood Professional Services, requesting approval of an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 13-40 for Community Retail (CR) Uses. This property is located at 1122 West Centerville Road. (File No. Z 20-06, District 5) The applicant requests to build an office/retail building. This item serves as the applicant’s Planned Development (PD) amendment request.
Consider the application of Westwood Professional Services, requesting approval of a Detail Plan for an Office / Retail Building. This property is located at 1122 West Centerville Road. (File No. Z 20-06, District 5) The applicant requests to build an office/retail building. This item serves as the applicant’s Detail Plan request.
Consider the application of Allstate Carriers LLC, requesting approval of 1) a Specific Use Provision for Truck and Bus Repair, 2) a Specific Use Provision for Truck Sales/Leasing/Rental, and 3) a Specific Use Provision for Truck/Bus Storage. (File No. Z 20-08, District 6) (The applicant has requested postponement to the May 19, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.) The applicant proposes a five (5) year operation of a warehouse/storage distribution use with truck and bus repair, truck sales/leasing/rental, and truck bus storage on a property developed for industrial uses. The applicant has requested postponement of this request to May 19.
Hold a public hearing for comments on Implementation of a Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program using CDBG and ESG Funding At the May 4 2020, Work Session Meeting, City Council was provided information regarding $648,962 in Emergency Solutions Grant funding provided through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and, Economic Security Act and considered reprogramming $400,000 in FY19-20 Community Development Block Grant funding to implement a Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program for eligible Garland residents. As part of the process, a public hearing is required to solicit comments from any interested parties relating to this issue.
6. Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 7. Adjourn. All Regular Council meetings are broadcast live on CGTV, Time Warner Cable Channel 16, and Frontier FIOS TV 44. Meetings are rebroadcast at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday-Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Live streaming and on-demand videos of the meetings are also available online at www.garlandtx.gov. Copies of the meetings can be purchased through the City Secretary’s Office – audio CD’s are $1 each and DVD’s are $3 each.