LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
1. Consider approval of the minutes of the May 26 Special Session and June 2 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Cleaning and Closed Circuit Television Review of Wastewater Pipelines Bid No. 0810-20 Acme Utility Inspection Services, Inc. $300,000.00 This request is to provide cleaning and closed circuit television inspection to evaluate sanitary sewer lines throughout the city, providing a detailed report on the pipe condition. b. Valve and Fire Hydrant Maintenance Bid No. 0270-20 Hydromax USA $250,000.00 This request is to provide maintenance, inspections, adjustments, and minor repair of water valves and fire hydrants throughout the city. c. GP&L Dent Road to Shelby 138kV Transmission Line Construction Bid No. 0821-19 Maslonka Powerline Services $400,000.00 This request is to approve Change Order #2 for the GP&L Dent Road to Shelby 138kV Transmission Line Construction. The Change Order is necessary because of construction delays that were experienced due to right-of-way acquisitions, delayed material delivery, and inclement weather. d. Medical District Area Plan Bid No. 0371-20 Ninigret Partners $136,740.00 This request is for the development of a Medical District Area Plan. The plan will establish a revitalization/redevelopment concept incorporating physical analysis, a market assessment, and stakeholder engagement for a proposed Medical District anchored by the Garland VA Medical Center, including connections to the Forest/Jupiter DART station. e. GP&L 138kV Disconnect Switches Bid No. 5870-15 Pascor Atlantic, Inc. $623,566.00 This request is to approve Change Order #1 to BL 7775 for additional switches needed for the GP&L Nevill Road Switch. f. Carroll Drive & Mayfield Avenue Pavement Replacement Design Project Bid No. 0929-20 Lam Consulting Engineering $349,770.00 This request is to obtain professional engineering design and surveying services, including detailed construction plans, for replacing the existing concrete pavement on Carroll Drive (Douglas Drive to S. Glenbrook Drive) and Mayfield Avenue (Saturn Road to W. Centerville Road). The estimated construction cost for the project is $3,776,641.63. g. Shiloh Road Alignment Study Bid No. 0956-20 CP&Y, Inc. $1,664,008.000 Optional Contingency 65,000.00 TOTAL: $1,729,008.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the development of an Alignment Study for Shiloh Road between Kingsley Road and Westwood Drive. The original scope of the project, which was approved as part of the 2019 Bond Program, was to perform an Alignment Study from Kingsley Road to Miller Road. h. Heavy Equipment for Hinton Landfill Bid No. 0951-20 Caterpillar, Inc. $2,248,207.00 This request is to purchase replacement heavy equipment to be used by the Hinton Landfill. i. West Miller Paving, Drainage, Water and Wastewater Improvements and Nash Water Improvements Bid No. 0791-20 Tri-Con Services, Inc. $2,815,715.10 Optional Contingency $281,571.51 TOTAL: $3,097,286.61 The purpose of this request is to provide pavement, drainage, water, and wastewater improvements on West Miller Road and water improvements on Nash Street. West Miller Road consists of approximately 920 linear feet of 8-inch to 24-inch water by open cut; 300 linear feet of 24-inch water by bore; 4,170 linear feet of 6-inch and 8-inch wastewater line; 10,000 square yards of street, driveway, alley, and sidewalk replacement; and 630 linear feet of 18-inch to 42-inch RCP storm sewer including all incidentals. j. Major Thoroughfare Median Maintenance Bid No. 0682-20 Carruthers Landscape Management, Inc. $158,400.00 This request is to provide grounds maintenance including mowing, edging, removal of grass clippings, and litter control for 126.21 acres of medians along major thoroughfares throughout the city. k. MGR Bikeway (Duck Creek Trail Connections) Bid No. 0733-20 North Rock Construction, LLC $2,794,025.54 Optional Contingency 270,000.00 TOTAL: $3,064,025.54 This request is to provide for the construction of two (2) trail connectors. The first connector is the construction of 2,700 LF of a 12-foot-wide concrete trail at Glenbrook Drive & Centerville Road and a 3-span steel truss pedestrian bridge across Duck Creek. 3. 2020-2021 CDBG, HOME and ESG federal grant allocations This item has been previously discussed by Council during the May 18th, June 1st and June 15th Work Sessions as well as a Public Hearing that was held on May 19, 2020 to obtain any comments on the grant allocations. 4. 2019-20 Budget Amendment No. 3 At the June 1, 2020, Work Session, the City Council reviewed a Policy Report recommending an amendment to the 2019-20 Adopted Budget. For City Council’s consideration is an Ordinance amending the 2019-20 Adopted Budget to appropriate funds in the amount of $1,600,000 for the maintenance and repair of generating units at the GP&L Olinger facility. Budget Amendment No. 3 proposes to increase the Electric Utility Fund's FY 2019-20 operating appropriation by $1,600,000. Funding will come from fund balance reserves in the Electric Utility Fund. 5. No Parking on Garvon Street Local businesses have noted that on street parking has made travel along Garvon Street difficult. The current ordinance prohibits parking on this street however the ordinance needs slight modification to be enforceable. Council is requested to approve an ordinance to make parking restrictions enforceable. 6. Amend Authorized TexPool Representatives Each entity that participates in the TexPool investment pool must appoint authorized representatives. Only authorized representatives have the ability to conduct transactions with TexPool and inquire on TexPool transactions. For security purposes, TexPool requires the governing body approve a resolution to amend existing authorized representatives. Due to staff changes, the Financial Services Department is requesting that authorized representatives to TexPool be amended.
Consider by minute action the City of Garland representatives to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Board of Directors
Consider a resolution authorizing the use of eminent domain for the acquistion of ROW for the Nevill Road to Greasewood 345kV transmission line
Consider a ordinance relating to certain property tax exemptions and directing a designated employee to calculate the voter-approval tax rate of the City of Garland in the manner provided for a special taxing unit.
a. Consider the application of Garland Senior Living, Ltd., requesting approval of an Amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 07-33 for Single-Family-7 (SF-7) Uses to add Multi-Family Dwelling Uses [Elder Care – Independent Living Use]. This property is located at 502 Belt Line Road, 301 Tina Drive and 2222 Monarch Drive. (File No. Z 20-07, District 8) (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.) b. Consider the application of Garland Senior Living, Ltd., requesting approval of an Amended Detail Plan for Elder Care – Independent Living Use. This property is located at 502 Belt Line Road, 301 Tina Drive and 2222 Monarch Drive. (File No. Z 20- 07, District 8) (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.)
c. Consider the application of Pulte Group, requesting approval of a Change in Zoning from Planned Development (PD) District 18-05 for Community Retail (CR) Uses to a Planned Development (PD) District for Single-Family-5 (SF-5) Uses. This property is located at 5001 Zion Road. (File No. Z 20-04, District 3) (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.) d. Consider the application of Pulte Group, requesting approval of a Detail Plan for Single-Family-5 (SF-5) Uses. This property is located at 5001 Zion Road. (File No. Z 20-04, District 3) (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.) e. Consider a Development Agreement regarding Zoning File No. Z 20-04. (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.)
11. Citizen comments. 12. Adjourn.
LEGISLATIVE PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
1. Consider approval of the minutes of the May 26 Special Session and June 2 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider approval of the following bids: a. Cleaning and Closed Circuit Television Review of Wastewater Pipelines Bid No. 0810-20 Acme Utility Inspection Services, Inc. $300,000.00 This request is to provide cleaning and closed circuit television inspection to evaluate sanitary sewer lines throughout the city, providing a detailed report on the pipe condition. b. Valve and Fire Hydrant Maintenance Bid No. 0270-20 Hydromax USA $250,000.00 This request is to provide maintenance, inspections, adjustments, and minor repair of water valves and fire hydrants throughout the city. c. GP&L Dent Road to Shelby 138kV Transmission Line Construction Bid No. 0821-19 Maslonka Powerline Services $400,000.00 This request is to approve Change Order #2 for the GP&L Dent Road to Shelby 138kV Transmission Line Construction. The Change Order is necessary because of construction delays that were experienced due to right-of-way acquisitions, delayed material delivery, and inclement weather. d. Medical District Area Plan Bid No. 0371-20 Ninigret Partners $136,740.00 This request is for the development of a Medical District Area Plan. The plan will establish a revitalization/redevelopment concept incorporating physical analysis, a market assessment, and stakeholder engagement for a proposed Medical District anchored by the Garland VA Medical Center, including connections to the Forest/Jupiter DART station. e. GP&L 138kV Disconnect Switches Bid No. 5870-15 Pascor Atlantic, Inc. $623,566.00 This request is to approve Change Order #1 to BL 7775 for additional switches needed for the GP&L Nevill Road Switch. f. Carroll Drive & Mayfield Avenue Pavement Replacement Design Project Bid No. 0929-20 Lam Consulting Engineering $349,770.00 This request is to obtain professional engineering design and surveying services, including detailed construction plans, for replacing the existing concrete pavement on Carroll Drive (Douglas Drive to S. Glenbrook Drive) and Mayfield Avenue (Saturn Road to W. Centerville Road). The estimated construction cost for the project is $3,776,641.63. g. Shiloh Road Alignment Study Bid No. 0956-20 CP&Y, Inc. $1,664,008.000 Optional Contingency 65,000.00 TOTAL: $1,729,008.00 This request is to obtain professional services for the development of an Alignment Study for Shiloh Road between Kingsley Road and Westwood Drive. The original scope of the project, which was approved as part of the 2019 Bond Program, was to perform an Alignment Study from Kingsley Road to Miller Road. h. Heavy Equipment for Hinton Landfill Bid No. 0951-20 Caterpillar, Inc. $2,248,207.00 This request is to purchase replacement heavy equipment to be used by the Hinton Landfill. i. West Miller Paving, Drainage, Water and Wastewater Improvements and Nash Water Improvements Bid No. 0791-20 Tri-Con Services, Inc. $2,815,715.10 Optional Contingency $281,571.51 TOTAL: $3,097,286.61 The purpose of this request is to provide pavement, drainage, water, and wastewater improvements on West Miller Road and water improvements on Nash Street. West Miller Road consists of approximately 920 linear feet of 8-inch to 24-inch water by open cut; 300 linear feet of 24-inch water by bore; 4,170 linear feet of 6-inch and 8-inch wastewater line; 10,000 square yards of street, driveway, alley, and sidewalk replacement; and 630 linear feet of 18-inch to 42-inch RCP storm sewer including all incidentals. j. Major Thoroughfare Median Maintenance Bid No. 0682-20 Carruthers Landscape Management, Inc. $158,400.00 This request is to provide grounds maintenance including mowing, edging, removal of grass clippings, and litter control for 126.21 acres of medians along major thoroughfares throughout the city. k. MGR Bikeway (Duck Creek Trail Connections) Bid No. 0733-20 North Rock Construction, LLC $2,794,025.54 Optional Contingency 270,000.00 TOTAL: $3,064,025.54 This request is to provide for the construction of two (2) trail connectors. The first connector is the construction of 2,700 LF of a 12-foot-wide concrete trail at Glenbrook Drive & Centerville Road and a 3-span steel truss pedestrian bridge across Duck Creek. 3. 2020-2021 CDBG, HOME and ESG federal grant allocations This item has been previously discussed by Council during the May 18th, June 1st and June 15th Work Sessions as well as a Public Hearing that was held on May 19, 2020 to obtain any comments on the grant allocations. 4. 2019-20 Budget Amendment No. 3 At the June 1, 2020, Work Session, the City Council reviewed a Policy Report recommending an amendment to the 2019-20 Adopted Budget. For City Council’s consideration is an Ordinance amending the 2019-20 Adopted Budget to appropriate funds in the amount of $1,600,000 for the maintenance and repair of generating units at the GP&L Olinger facility. Budget Amendment No. 3 proposes to increase the Electric Utility Fund's FY 2019-20 operating appropriation by $1,600,000. Funding will come from fund balance reserves in the Electric Utility Fund. 5. No Parking on Garvon Street Local businesses have noted that on street parking has made travel along Garvon Street difficult. The current ordinance prohibits parking on this street however the ordinance needs slight modification to be enforceable. Council is requested to approve an ordinance to make parking restrictions enforceable. 6. Amend Authorized TexPool Representatives Each entity that participates in the TexPool investment pool must appoint authorized representatives. Only authorized representatives have the ability to conduct transactions with TexPool and inquire on TexPool transactions. For security purposes, TexPool requires the governing body approve a resolution to amend existing authorized representatives. Due to staff changes, the Financial Services Department is requesting that authorized representatives to TexPool be amended.
Consider by minute action the City of Garland representatives to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Board of Directors
Consider a resolution authorizing the use of eminent domain for the acquistion of ROW for the Nevill Road to Greasewood 345kV transmission line
Consider a ordinance relating to certain property tax exemptions and directing a designated employee to calculate the voter-approval tax rate of the City of Garland in the manner provided for a special taxing unit.
a. Consider the application of Garland Senior Living, Ltd., requesting approval of an Amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 07-33 for Single-Family-7 (SF-7) Uses to add Multi-Family Dwelling Uses [Elder Care – Independent Living Use]. This property is located at 502 Belt Line Road, 301 Tina Drive and 2222 Monarch Drive. (File No. Z 20-07, District 8) (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.) b. Consider the application of Garland Senior Living, Ltd., requesting approval of an Amended Detail Plan for Elder Care – Independent Living Use. This property is located at 502 Belt Line Road, 301 Tina Drive and 2222 Monarch Drive. (File No. Z 20- 07, District 8) (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.)
c. Consider the application of Pulte Group, requesting approval of a Change in Zoning from Planned Development (PD) District 18-05 for Community Retail (CR) Uses to a Planned Development (PD) District for Single-Family-5 (SF-5) Uses. This property is located at 5001 Zion Road. (File No. Z 20-04, District 3) (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.) d. Consider the application of Pulte Group, requesting approval of a Detail Plan for Single-Family-5 (SF-5) Uses. This property is located at 5001 Zion Road. (File No. Z 20-04, District 3) (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.) e. Consider a Development Agreement regarding Zoning File No. Z 20-04. (This request was postponed from the June 2, 2020 Regular City Council meeting.)
11. Citizen comments. 12. Adjourn.