1. Consideration of the application of Acme Sign, requesting approval of variance to Section 30.106 (A)(1) and Section 30.89 of the City of Garland Sign Ordinance to allow the addition of an attached sign. The property is located at 1919 South Shiloh Road. (File 07-04)
1. Consideration of the application of Pollard Holdings, LTD., requesting approval of a change of zoning from Health Services (HS) District to General Business (GB) District. The property is located at 2010 South Shiloh Road. (File 07-67) (This item was postponed at the November 26, 2007 Plan Commission meeting.)
2. Consideration of the application of Aranda Consultants, requesting approval of 1) a change of zoning from Single Family-7 (SF7/F/3) District to a Planned Development (PD) District for Neighborhood Services Uses, 2) a Detail Plan for a Retail Sales/Personal Service use (Beauty Salon), 3) a variance to Section 23-422 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding a front yard setback requirement, 4) a variance to Section 10-200 and 12 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding minimum off-street parking requirements, 5) a variance to Section 7.0 of the Screening and Landscaping Standards regarding landscape buffer depth requirements, and, 6) a variance to Section 9.4 of the Screening and Landscaping Standards regarding landscaping of parking areas. The property is located at 505 Barnes Drive. (File 07-63)
3. Consideration of the application of Dallas Metals Recyclers, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for a Recycling Center on property zoned Industrial-1 (I-1) District. The property is located at 2637 National Circle. (File 07-71)
3. Consideration of the application of Dallas Metals Recyclers, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for a Recycling Center on property zoned Industrial-1 (I-1) District. The property is located at 2637 National Circle. (File 07-71)
4. Consideration of the application of Yoo Sang Cho, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for Reception Facility on property zoned Industrial-1 (I-1) District. The property is located at 2918 South Jupiter Road. (File 07-72)
5. Consideration of the application of Almo Investment Ltd., requesting approval of 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 96-37 for General Business Uses, 2) a Specific Use Permit for Retail Sales with Gas Pumps and 3) a Specific Use Permit for Restaurant with Drive Through. The property is located at 2002 State Highway 66. (File 07-73)
6. Consideration of the application of Education Center International Academy, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for a Charter School on property zoned Office-1 (O-1) District, Single Family-7 (SF7/G/3) District and General Business (GB) District. The property is located at 3032 Anita Drive. (File 07-74)
1. Consideration of the application of Acme Sign, requesting approval of variance to Section 30.106 (A)(1) and Section 30.89 of the City of Garland Sign Ordinance to allow the addition of an attached sign. The property is located at 1919 South Shiloh Road. (File 07-04)
1. Consideration of the application of Pollard Holdings, LTD., requesting approval of a change of zoning from Health Services (HS) District to General Business (GB) District. The property is located at 2010 South Shiloh Road. (File 07-67) (This item was postponed at the November 26, 2007 Plan Commission meeting.)
2. Consideration of the application of Aranda Consultants, requesting approval of 1) a change of zoning from Single Family-7 (SF7/F/3) District to a Planned Development (PD) District for Neighborhood Services Uses, 2) a Detail Plan for a Retail Sales/Personal Service use (Beauty Salon), 3) a variance to Section 23-422 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding a front yard setback requirement, 4) a variance to Section 10-200 and 12 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance regarding minimum off-street parking requirements, 5) a variance to Section 7.0 of the Screening and Landscaping Standards regarding landscape buffer depth requirements, and, 6) a variance to Section 9.4 of the Screening and Landscaping Standards regarding landscaping of parking areas. The property is located at 505 Barnes Drive. (File 07-63)
3. Consideration of the application of Dallas Metals Recyclers, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for a Recycling Center on property zoned Industrial-1 (I-1) District. The property is located at 2637 National Circle. (File 07-71)
3. Consideration of the application of Dallas Metals Recyclers, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for a Recycling Center on property zoned Industrial-1 (I-1) District. The property is located at 2637 National Circle. (File 07-71)
4. Consideration of the application of Yoo Sang Cho, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for Reception Facility on property zoned Industrial-1 (I-1) District. The property is located at 2918 South Jupiter Road. (File 07-72)
5. Consideration of the application of Almo Investment Ltd., requesting approval of 1) an amendment to Planned Development (PD) District 96-37 for General Business Uses, 2) a Specific Use Permit for Retail Sales with Gas Pumps and 3) a Specific Use Permit for Restaurant with Drive Through. The property is located at 2002 State Highway 66. (File 07-73)
6. Consideration of the application of Education Center International Academy, requesting approval of a Specific Use Permit for a Charter School on property zoned Office-1 (O-1) District, Single Family-7 (SF7/G/3) District and General Business (GB) District. The property is located at 3032 Anita Drive. (File 07-74)