1. Consideration of the application of National Circuit Assembly Inc., requesting approval of a variance to Section 30.105(B) of the City of Garland Sign Ordinance regarding setback requirements for freestanding signage. The property is located at 2908 National Drive. (File SV 08-01)(postponed from April 14, 2008)
1. Consideration of the application of Futuristic Unlimited, Inc. – Nickel Rama, requesting approval of 1) Specific Use Permit for an Arcade on property zoned Shopping Center (SC) District and 2) a variance to Section 30.106 of the Sign Ordinance regarding attached signage. The property is located 1456 Beltline Road, Suites 145 and 147. (File 08-13)
1. Consideration of the application of National Circuit Assembly Inc., requesting approval of a variance to Section 30.105(B) of the City of Garland Sign Ordinance regarding setback requirements for freestanding signage. The property is located at 2908 National Drive. (File SV 08-01)(postponed from April 14, 2008)
1. Consideration of the application of Futuristic Unlimited, Inc. – Nickel Rama, requesting approval of 1) Specific Use Permit for an Arcade on property zoned Shopping Center (SC) District and 2) a variance to Section 30.106 of the Sign Ordinance regarding attached signage. The property is located 1456 Beltline Road, Suites 145 and 147. (File 08-13)