Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance
Consider approval of Minutes for the August 13, 2012 meeting.
Final Plat – Agog Addition
Consideration of the application of GTE Southwest, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Southwest, requesting approval of 1) a Planned Development (PD) District to allow Antenna, Commercial Type 2 by Specific Use Permit only and 2) a Specific Use Permit for Antenna, Commercial Type 2 on property zoned Office 1 (O-1) District. The property is located at 3618 North Garland Avenue. (File 12-40)
Consideration of the application of GHA Architecture/Development, requesting approval of 1) a Specific Use Permit for Restaurant, Drive-Through, 2) a Detail Plan, and 3) a variance to Sections 34.20 (B)(1) and 34.20 (B)(1)(ii) of the IH 635 Development Standards regarding landscaping requirements on property zoned Planned Development (06-37) District for Freeway Uses. The property is located at 1500 Eastgate Drive. (File 12-42)
Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance
Consider approval of Minutes for the August 13, 2012 meeting.
Final Plat – Agog Addition
Consideration of the application of GTE Southwest, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Southwest, requesting approval of 1) a Planned Development (PD) District to allow Antenna, Commercial Type 2 by Specific Use Permit only and 2) a Specific Use Permit for Antenna, Commercial Type 2 on property zoned Office 1 (O-1) District. The property is located at 3618 North Garland Avenue. (File 12-40)
Consideration of the application of GHA Architecture/Development, requesting approval of 1) a Specific Use Permit for Restaurant, Drive-Through, 2) a Detail Plan, and 3) a variance to Sections 34.20 (B)(1) and 34.20 (B)(1)(ii) of the IH 635 Development Standards regarding landscaping requirements on property zoned Planned Development (06-37) District for Freeway Uses. The property is located at 1500 Eastgate Drive. (File 12-42)